A systematic literature review about local wisdom and sustainability: Contribution and recommendation to science education

N Lestari, S Suyanto - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and …, 2024 - ejmste.com
The theme “local wisdom, sustainability, and education” attracted the attention of
researchers, and the number of publications began to increase, making it interesting to …

Education of Social Regulation Through Social Institution Materials in Social Studies

J Jumriani, B Subiyakto, S Hadi, M Mutiani… - The Innovation of …, 2022 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
Society has elements that are interrelated with one another. These elements work together
to build a stable and harmonious social order. However, if only one element does not …

Actualization of religious values through religious tourism on the river as a source of social studies learning

EW Abbas, J Jumriani… - Al-Ishlah: Jurnal …, 2021 - journal.staihubbulwathan.id
Quality human resources are needed to support development. To produce these resources
requires a variety of attitudes. One of them is religious attitudes as a preventive measure …

Telaah Literatur; Komponen Kurikulum IPS Di Sekolah Dasar pada Kurikulum 2013

J Jumriani, S Syaharuddin, NTFW Hadi, M Mutiani… - Jurnal Basicedu, 2021 - neliti.com
Pembelajaran IPS bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang hanya mengutamakan hafalan.
Namun, Mata Pelajaran IPS bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman …

The Social Values of the Banjar People in Traditional Markets

MR Ilhami, EW Abbas, M Mutiani, J Jumriani… - The Innovation of …, 2022 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
Traditional markets not only act as a meeting place for sellers and buyers and spread the
flow of development of goods or services to meet the needs of human life, but also the …

Portrait of Tourism Based on River Tourism in Banjarmasin

EW Abbas, J Jumriani, S Syaharuddin… - The Kalimantan Social …, 2021 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
River tourism-based tourism on the riverbanks of Banjarmasin continues to be developed.
The tour is designed in such a way that it becomes a series of tourist trips. This study aims to …

Putting transformative learning in higher education based on linking capital.

S Syaharuddin, M Mutiani, MRN Handy… - Journal of Education and …, 2022 - ERIC
This study aimed to analyze learning at the level of higher education. The practice of higher
education, of course, also requires a transformation of learning. It is intended to achieve the …

Pemahaman guru biologi SMA di sekolah penggerak DKI Jakarta terhadap pendekatan etnosains pada kurikulum merdeka

F Festiyed, M Elvianasti… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 - jurnaldikbud.kemdikbud.go.id
Tema kearifan lokal merupakan tema yang dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran sains
seperti Biologi. Dalam proses pembelajaran, kearifan lokal terwujud dalam sebuah …

Community economic empowerment through the existence of thematic village

B Subiyakto, J Jumriani, EW Abbas… - The Innovation of …, 2022 - ppjp.ulm.ac.id
The economic problem is one aspect that still needs to be resolved today. This underlies the
emergence of government programs known as thematic villages to improve the community's …