A systematic literature review about local wisdom and sustainability: Contribution and recommendation to science education
The theme “local wisdom, sustainability, and education” attracted the attention of
researchers, and the number of publications began to increase, making it interesting to …
researchers, and the number of publications began to increase, making it interesting to …
Education of Social Regulation Through Social Institution Materials in Social Studies
Society has elements that are interrelated with one another. These elements work together
to build a stable and harmonious social order. However, if only one element does not …
to build a stable and harmonious social order. However, if only one element does not …
Actualization of religious values through religious tourism on the river as a source of social studies learning
Quality human resources are needed to support development. To produce these resources
requires a variety of attitudes. One of them is religious attitudes as a preventive measure …
requires a variety of attitudes. One of them is religious attitudes as a preventive measure …
Telaah Literatur; Komponen Kurikulum IPS Di Sekolah Dasar pada Kurikulum 2013
Pembelajaran IPS bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang hanya mengutamakan hafalan.
Namun, Mata Pelajaran IPS bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman …
Namun, Mata Pelajaran IPS bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman …
The Social Values of the Banjar People in Traditional Markets
Traditional markets not only act as a meeting place for sellers and buyers and spread the
flow of development of goods or services to meet the needs of human life, but also the …
flow of development of goods or services to meet the needs of human life, but also the …
Portrait of Tourism Based on River Tourism in Banjarmasin
River tourism-based tourism on the riverbanks of Banjarmasin continues to be developed.
The tour is designed in such a way that it becomes a series of tourist trips. This study aims to …
The tour is designed in such a way that it becomes a series of tourist trips. This study aims to …
Putting transformative learning in higher education based on linking capital.
This study aimed to analyze learning at the level of higher education. The practice of higher
education, of course, also requires a transformation of learning. It is intended to achieve the …
education, of course, also requires a transformation of learning. It is intended to achieve the …
Pemahaman guru biologi SMA di sekolah penggerak DKI Jakarta terhadap pendekatan etnosains pada kurikulum merdeka
F Festiyed, M Elvianasti… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 - jurnaldikbud.kemdikbud.go.id
Tema kearifan lokal merupakan tema yang dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran sains
seperti Biologi. Dalam proses pembelajaran, kearifan lokal terwujud dalam sebuah …
seperti Biologi. Dalam proses pembelajaran, kearifan lokal terwujud dalam sebuah …
Community economic empowerment through the existence of thematic village
The economic problem is one aspect that still needs to be resolved today. This underlies the
emergence of government programs known as thematic villages to improve the community's …
emergence of government programs known as thematic villages to improve the community's …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of teacher's responsibility and understanding of the local wisdom concept on teacher's autonomy in develo** evaluation of learning based on local …
This research examines the causal relationships between the variables of teacher's
responsibility and understanding of the local wisdom concept on the autonomy of special …
responsibility and understanding of the local wisdom concept on the autonomy of special …