Deep feature fusion based childhood epilepsy syndrome classification from electroencephalogram
Accurate classification of the children's epilepsy syndrome is vital to the diagnosis and
treatment of epilepsy. But existing literature mainly focuses on seizure detection and few …
treatment of epilepsy. But existing literature mainly focuses on seizure detection and few …
Outcomes following resective and disconnective strategies in the treatment of epileptic spasms: a systematic review of the literature and individual patient data meta …
R Cottier, F Niazi, K Goël, C Korman, T Porte… - Frontiers in …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Epileptic spasms (ES) are a unique seizure type typically presenting in the form of infantile
epileptic spasms syndrome (IESS) with characteristic hypsarrhythmia on scalp EEG and a …
epileptic spasms syndrome (IESS) with characteristic hypsarrhythmia on scalp EEG and a …
Epileptic spasms in infants: can video-EEG reveal the disease's etiology? A retrospective study and literature review
Objective Epileptic spasms are a type of seizure defined as a sudden flexion or extension
predominantly of axial and/or truncal limb muscles that occur with a noticeable periodicity …
predominantly of axial and/or truncal limb muscles that occur with a noticeable periodicity …
Lesional intractable epileptic spasms in children: electroclinical localization and postoperative outcomes
S Wang, C Liu, H Zhang, Q Liu, T Ji, Y Zhu… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
To analyze the influence of seizure semiology, electroencephalography (EEG) features and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) change on epileptogenic zone localization and surgical …
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) change on epileptogenic zone localization and surgical …
Electroclinical landscape of infantile epileptic spasms syndrome
Objectives To elucidate the electroclinical characteristics of infantile epileptic spasms
syndrome (IESS) and to determine any potential association among these with underlying …
syndrome (IESS) and to determine any potential association among these with underlying …
Association of Child Neurology (AOCN)—Indian Epilepsy Society (IES) Consensus Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of West Syndrome
Justification West syndrome is one of the commonest causes of epilepsy in infants and
young children and is a significant contributor to neurodevelopmental morbidity. Multiple …
young children and is a significant contributor to neurodevelopmental morbidity. Multiple …
Ictal signs in tuberous sclerosis complex: Clinical and video-EEG features in a large series of recorded seizures
MN Savini, A Mingarelli, A Vignoli, F La Briola… - Epilepsy & Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
Epilepsy is the most common neurological symptom in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC),
occurring in 72–85% of affected individuals. Despite the large number of patients reported …
occurring in 72–85% of affected individuals. Despite the large number of patients reported …
[HTML][HTML] Electroclinical Features of Infantile Epileptic Spasms Syndrome
Epileptic spasms are a unique, age-dependent manifestation of epilepsies in infancy and
early childhood, commonly occurring as part of infantile epileptic spasms syndrome …
early childhood, commonly occurring as part of infantile epileptic spasms syndrome …
Современные представления о синдроме Веста
ТГ Охапкина, ЗК Горчханова… - Эпилепсия и …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
Синдром Веста эпилептический синдром, характеризующийся триадой симптомов:
инфантильными спазмами, гипсаритмией на межприступной ЭЭГ, регрессом или …
инфантильными спазмами, гипсаритмией на межприступной ЭЭГ, регрессом или …
[HTML][HTML] The significance of focal pattern in hypsarrhythmia
A Wiedemann, B Stark, G Gröppel - Brain Disorders, 2025 - Elsevier
Abstract Introduction Infantile Epileptic Spasms Syndrome (IESS) presents a therapeutic
challenge and is frequently associated with developmental delay. It is characterized by …
challenge and is frequently associated with developmental delay. It is characterized by …