Optimistic contributions of plant growth-promoting bacteria for sustainable agriculture and climate stress alleviation
Global climate change is the major cause of abiotic and biotic stresses that have adverse
effects on agricultural productivity to an irreversible level, thus threatening to limit gains in …
effects on agricultural productivity to an irreversible level, thus threatening to limit gains in …
Below‐ground connections underlying above‐ground food production: a framework for optimising ecological connections in the rhizosphere
Healthy soils that contain an active microbiome and food web are critical to sustainably
produce food for a growing global human population. Many studies have focussed on the …
produce food for a growing global human population. Many studies have focussed on the …
Root functional traits explain root exudation rate and composition across a range of grassland species
Plant root exudation is a crucial means through which plants communicate with soil
microbes and influence rhizosphere processes. Exudation can also underlie ecosystem …
microbes and influence rhizosphere processes. Exudation can also underlie ecosystem …
Soil potentials to resist continuous crop** obstacle: Three field cases
Continuous crop** has become the most common system in intensive, modern
agricultural production; however, obstacles often appear in continuous crop** patterns …
agricultural production; however, obstacles often appear in continuous crop** patterns …
Changes in root‐exudate‐induced respiration reveal a novel mechanism through which drought affects ecosystem carbon cycling
Root exudates play an important role in ecosystem response to climate change, but the
functional consequences of drought‐induced changes in the quality of root exudates are …
functional consequences of drought‐induced changes in the quality of root exudates are …
Mitigation of tobacco bacteria wilt with microbial degradation of phenolic allelochemicals
X Chang, Y Wang, J Sun, H ** of tobacco leads to high incidence of tobacco
bacterial wilt (TBW) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, which threatening world tobacco …
bacterial wilt (TBW) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, which threatening world tobacco …
Cinnamic, myristic and fumaric acids in tobacco root exudates induce the infection of plants by Ralstonia solanacearum
S Li, C Xu, J Wang, B Guo, L Yang, J Chen, W Ding - Plant and Soil, 2017 - Springer
Aim The secretion of allelochemicals from plant roots plays a key role in soil sickness and
soil-borne disease. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of allelopathic …
soil-borne disease. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of allelopathic …
Impacts of continuous crop** on the rhizospheric and endospheric microbial communities and root exudates of Astragalus mongholicus
Q Zhou, Y Wang, L Yue, A Ye, X **. However, the differences in the root-associated microbiome and root …
The response of root-zone soil bacterial community, metabolites, and soil properties of Sanyeqing medicinal plant varieties to anthracnose disease in reclaimed land …
Objectives To enhance the utilization of reclaimed land, Sanyeqing (SYQ) has been
extensively cultivated in Zhejiang province, China. However, the prevalence of anthracnose …
extensively cultivated in Zhejiang province, China. However, the prevalence of anthracnose …
Co-occurrence network analyses of rhizosphere soil microbial PLFAs and metabolites over continuous crop** seasons in tobacco
H Shen, W Yan, X Yang, X He, X Wang, Y Zhang… - Plant and Soil, 2020 - Springer
Aims To explore the mechanisms of continuous crop** obstacles of tobacco using co-
occurrence network analyses to identify interactions between rhizosphere soil microbiota …
occurrence network analyses to identify interactions between rhizosphere soil microbiota …