Review on the progress in nuclear fission—experimental methods and theoretical descriptions
KH Schmidt, B Jurado - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 -
An overview is given on some of the main advances in the experimental methods,
experimental results, theoretical models and ideas of the last few years in the field of nuclear …
experimental results, theoretical models and ideas of the last few years in the field of nuclear …
Measurement of the normalized cross section ratio from threshold to 30 MeV with the NIFFTE fission Time Projection Chamber
RJ Casperson, DM Asner, J Baker, RG Baker… - Physical Review C, 2018 - APS
The normalized U 238 (n, f)/U 235 (n, f) cross section ratio has been measured using the
NIFFTE fission Time Projection Chamber (fissionTPC) from the reaction threshold to 30 MeV …
NIFFTE fission Time Projection Chamber (fissionTPC) from the reaction threshold to 30 MeV …
EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation of neutron-induced uranium and plutonium fission cross sections for JENDL-5
The neutron-induced fission cross sections were simultaneously evaluated for the JENDL-5
library for 233,235 U and 239,241 Pu from 10 keV to 200 MeV and for 238U and 240Pu from …
library for 233,235 U and 239,241 Pu from 10 keV to 200 MeV and for 238U and 240Pu from …
Fission fragment angular anisotropy in neutron-induced fission of measured with a time projection chamber
Fission fragment angular distributions can provide an important constraint on fission theory,
improving predictive fission codes, and are a prerequisite for a precise ratio cross section …
improving predictive fission codes, and are a prerequisite for a precise ratio cross section …
Neutron induced fission cross section measurements of Pu and Pu relative to the neutron–proton scattering cross section at 2.5 and 14.8 MeV
A measurement campaign to determine neutron induced fission cross sections of 240 Pu
and 242 Pu at 2.51 and 14.83 MeV has been carried out at the 3.7 MV Van De Graaff linear …
and 242 Pu at 2.51 and 14.83 MeV has been carried out at the 3.7 MV Van De Graaff linear …
Investigation of the reaction at the n_TOF/EAR2 facility in the 9 meV–6 MeV range
Background: Nuclear waste management is considered amongst the major challenges in
the field of nuclear energy. A possible means of addressing this issue is waste transmutation …
the field of nuclear energy. A possible means of addressing this issue is waste transmutation …
Neutron-induced fission cross sections of from 0.3 MeV to 3 MeV
The majority of the next generation of nuclear power plants (GEN-IV) will work in the fast-
neutron-energy region, as opposed to present day thermal reactors. This leads to new and …
neutron-energy region, as opposed to present day thermal reactors. This leads to new and …
Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced fission and capture cross sections for 241Am at neutron energies below fission threshold
Fission and capture reactions were simultaneously measured in the neutron-induced
reactions of 241 Am at the spallation neutron facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator …
reactions of 241 Am at the spallation neutron facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator …
[ספר][B] Neutron Induced Fission Fragment Angular Distributions and Momentum Transfer Measured with the NIFFTE Fission Time Projection Chamber
D Hensle - 2019 -
Nuclear fission is the process by which a large nucleus splits into two heavy fragments and
is often induced by an incident neutron. Understanding the probability by which an incident …
is often induced by an incident neutron. Understanding the probability by which an incident …
Fission fragment angular distributions in neutron-induced fission of 235U measured with a time projection chamber
V Kleinrath - 2016 -
Nuclear data play a vital role in nuclear energy and defense applications; the community
heavily relies on simulations and modeling, and therefore on available data and their …
heavily relies on simulations and modeling, and therefore on available data and their …