Semi-supervised and un-supervised clustering: A review and experimental evaluation
K Taha - Information Systems, 2023 - Elsevier
Retrieving, analyzing, and processing large data can be challenging. An effective and
efficient mechanism for overcoming these challenges is to cluster the data into a compact …
efficient mechanism for overcoming these challenges is to cluster the data into a compact …
The role and challenges of cluster randomised trials for global health
Evaluating whether an intervention works when trialled in groups of individuals can pose
complex challenges for clinical research. Cluster randomised controlled trials involve the …
complex challenges for clinical research. Cluster randomised controlled trials involve the …
Aqueous skin antisepsis before surgical fixation of open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): a multiple-period, cluster-randomised, crossover trial
Background Chlorhexidine skin antisepsis is frequently recommended for most surgical
procedures; however, it is unclear if these recommendations should apply to surgery …
procedures; however, it is unclear if these recommendations should apply to surgery …
Mortality in HIV and tuberculosis patients following implementation of integrated HIV-TB treatment: Results from an open-label cluster-randomized trial
Background HIV-TB treatment integration reduces mortality. Operational implementation of
integrated services is challenging. This study assessed the impact of quality improvement …
integrated services is challenging. This study assessed the impact of quality improvement …
Sample size estimation for cluster randomized controlled trials
Cluster randomized controlled trials (cRCTs) are commonly used by clinical researchers.
The advantages of cRCTs include preventing treatment contamination, enhancing …
The advantages of cRCTs include preventing treatment contamination, enhancing …
Goals for girls: a cluster-randomized trial to investigate a school-based sexual health programme amongst female learners in South Africa
C Pike, C Coakley, N Ahmed, D Lee… - Health education …, 2023 -
The delivery of comprehensive sexuality education to adolescents at school is recognized
as a long-term strategy to support adolescent health. Suboptimal sexual and reproductive …
as a long-term strategy to support adolescent health. Suboptimal sexual and reproductive …
A stepped wedge cluster randomised trial of nurse-delivered Teach-Back in a consumer telehealth service
Objective To evaluate the impact of Teach-Back on communication quality in a national
telephone-based telehealth service, for callers varying in health literacy. Design Cross …
telephone-based telehealth service, for callers varying in health literacy. Design Cross …
Methods for dealing with unequal cluster sizes in cluster randomized trials: a sco** review
In a cluster-randomized trial (CRT), the number of participants enrolled often varies across
clusters. This variation should be considered during both trial design and data analysis to …
clusters. This variation should be considered during both trial design and data analysis to …
Unequal cluster sizes in stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials: a systematic review
Objectives To investigate the extent to which cluster sizes vary in stepped-wedge cluster
randomised trials (SW-CRT) and whether any variability is accounted for during the sample …
randomised trials (SW-CRT) and whether any variability is accounted for during the sample …
An imbalance in cluster sizes does not lead to notable loss of power in cross-sectional, stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials with a continuous outcome
Background The current methodology for sample size calculations for stepped-wedge
cluster randomised trials (SW-CRTs) is based on the assumption of equal cluster sizes …
cluster randomised trials (SW-CRTs) is based on the assumption of equal cluster sizes …