Geographic mobility, immobility, and geographic flexibility: A review and agenda for research on the changing geography of work
P Choudhury - Academy of Management Annals, 2022 -
In this review, I integrate a wide range of literature that has examined how the “geographic
mobility” of high-skilled workers creates value for organizations and individuals. Drawing on …
mobility” of high-skilled workers creates value for organizations and individuals. Drawing on …
Organization design: Current insights and future research directions
We review the research on organization design from 2000 to 2023, inclusive. We identify
four major approaches to organization design in the contemporary literature: configuration …
four major approaches to organization design in the contemporary literature: configuration …
Introduction—platforms and infrastructures in the digital age
In the last few years, leading-edge research from information systems, strategic
management, and economics have separately informed our understanding of platforms and …
management, and economics have separately informed our understanding of platforms and …
Connecting the parts with the whole: Toward an information ecology theory of digital innovation ecosystems.
P Wang - MIS quarterly, 2021 -
The remarkable connectivity and embeddedness of digital technologies enable innovations
undertaken by a broad set of actors, often beyond organizational and industry boundaries …
undertaken by a broad set of actors, often beyond organizational and industry boundaries …
Organizational structure, information processing, and decision-making: A retrospective and road map for research
Beginning with Simon (1947)—and motivated by an interest in the effect of formal
organizational structure on decision-making—a large body of research has examined how …
organizational structure on decision-making—a large body of research has examined how …
Decentralized vs. distributed organization: Blockchain, machine learning and the future of the digital platform
JP Vergne - Organization Theory, 2020 -
The terms decentralized organization and distributed organization are often used
interchangeably, despite describing two distinct phenomena. I propose distinguishing …
interchangeably, despite describing two distinct phenomena. I propose distinguishing …
Social media affordances for connective action
This research questions how social media use affords new forms of organizing and
collective engagement. The concept of connective action has been introduced to …
collective engagement. The concept of connective action has been introduced to …
Social value creation and relational coordination in public‐private collaborations
Public‐private collaborations, or hybrid organizational forms, are often difficult to organize
because of disparate goals, incentives, and management practices. Some of this …
because of disparate goals, incentives, and management practices. Some of this …
The two facets of collaboration: Cooperation and coordination in strategic alliances
This paper unpacks two underspecified facets of collaboration: cooperation and
coordination. Prior research has emphasized cooperation, specifically partners' commitment …
coordination. Prior research has emphasized cooperation, specifically partners' commitment …
An information processing perspective on supply chain risk management: Antecedents, mechanism, and consequences
Although the extant literature recognizes that supply chain risk (SCR) information plays a
fundamental and critical role in supply chain risk management (SCRM), little is known about …
fundamental and critical role in supply chain risk management (SCRM), little is known about …