Raman microspectrometry of fluid inclusions

EAJ Burke - Lithos, 2001 - Elsevier
For many kinds of fluid inclusions, the coupling of microthermometry and Raman
microspectrometry is still the only viable option to obtain compositions of single fluid …

Scientific novelty beyond the experiment

JE Hallsworth, Z Udaondo, C Pedrós‐Alió… - Microbial …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Practical experiments drive important scientific discoveries in biology, but theory‐based
research studies also contribute novel—sometimes paradigm‐changing—findings. Here, we …

Fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic systems

RH Goldstein - Lithos, 2001 - Elsevier
Some of the major problems in sedimentary geology can be solved by using fluid inclusions
in sedimentary and diagenetic minerals. Important fluids in the sedimentary realm include …

[PDF][PDF] 9.17-Geochemistry of evaporites and evolution of seawater

M Babel, BC Schreiber - Treatise on geochemistry, 2014 - researchgate.net
This chapter focuses almost exclusively on marine evaporites and in particular on how the
chemistry of seawater is reflected in the mineralogy and facies distribution of deposits in …

Sediment-hosted zinc-lead mineralization: processes and perspectives: processes and perspectives

J Wilkinson - 2013 - figshare.utas.edu.au
The principal geologic and geochemical characteristics of the main classes of sediment-
hosted zinc-lead (-silver-barite) deposits (SEDEX, Mississippi Valley-type, and Irish-type) …

Interaction between manufactured gold nanoparticles and naturally occurring organic macromolecules

S Diegoli, AL Manciulea, S Begum, IP Jones… - Science of the Total …, 2008 - Elsevier
The increasing exploitation of nanomaterials into many consumer and other products is
raising concerns as these nanomaterials are likely to be released into the environment. Due …

Depositional and diagenetic sulfates of Hogwallow Flats and Yori Pass, Jezero Crater: Evaluating preservation potential of environmental indicators and possible …

KC Benison, KK Gill, S Sharma… - Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover has examined and sampled sulfate‐rich clastic
rocks from the Hogwallow Flats member at Hawksbill Gap and the Yori Pass member at …

Raman spectroscopy: analytical perspectives in mineralogical research

L Nasdala, DC Smith, R Kaindl, MA Ziemann - 2004 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
It is said that during a voyage to Europe in the summer of 1921, the Indian physicist
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (1888–1970) looked at the wonderful blue opalescence of …

Anomalously metal-rich fluids form hydrothermal ore deposits

JJ Wilkinson, B Stoffell, CC Wilkinson, TE Jeffries… - Science, 2009 - science.org
Hydrothermal ore deposits form when metals, often as sulfides, precipitate in abundance
from aqueous solutions in Earth's crust. Much of our knowledge of the fluids involved comes …

X-ray and vibrational spectroscopy of sulfate in earth materials

SCB Myneni - Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 2000 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Sulfate is one of the most abundant inorganic ligands in the lithosphere and hydrosphere. It
plays a major role in mediating mineral dissolution and precipitation, crystal growth …