The holographic principle
There is strong evidence that the area of any surface limits the information content of
adjacent spacetime regions, at 1.4× 10 69 bits per square meter. This article reviews the …
adjacent spacetime regions, at 1.4× 10 69 bits per square meter. This article reviews the …
On de Sitter spacetime and string theory
We review various aspects of de Sitter spacetime in string theory: its status as an Effective
Field Theory spacetime solution, its relation to the vacuum energy problem in string theory …
Field Theory spacetime solution, its relation to the vacuum energy problem in string theory …
The dS/CFT correspondence
A holographic duality is proposed relating quantum gravity on dSD (D-dimensional de Sitter
space) to conformal field theory on a single Sd-1 ((D-1)-sphere), in which bulk de Sitter …
space) to conformal field theory on a single Sd-1 ((D-1)-sphere), in which bulk de Sitter …
Accelerated universe from gravity leaking to extra dimensions
Accelerated universe from gravity leaking to extra dimensions Page 1 Accelerated universe
from gravity leaking to extra dimensions Cédric Deffayet* and Gia Dvali† Department of …
from gravity leaking to extra dimensions Cédric Deffayet* and Gia Dvali† Department of …
De sitter space
These lectures present an elementary discussion of some background material relevant to
the problem of de Sitter quantum gravity. The first two lectures discuss the classical …
the problem of de Sitter quantum gravity. The first two lectures discuss the classical …
Black hole thermodynamics and negative entropy in de Sitter and anti-de Sitter Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity
We investigate the charged Schwarzschild–anti-de Sitter (SAdS) BH thermodynamics in 5d
Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity with electromagnetic field. The Hawking–Page phase …
Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity with electromagnetic field. The Hawking–Page phase …
Exact solution of the harmonic oscillator in arbitrary dimensions with minimal length uncertainty relations
We determine the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator where
the coordinates and momenta are assumed to obey the modified commutation relations [xi …
the coordinates and momenta are assumed to obey the modified commutation relations [xi …
Effect of the minimal length uncertainty relation on the density of states and the cosmological constant problem
We investigate the effect of the minimal length uncertainty relation, motivated by perturbative
string theory, on the density of states in momentum space. The relation is implemented …
string theory, on the density of states in momentum space. The relation is implemented …
Conformal vacua and entropy in de Sitter space
The de Sitter/conformal field theory (dS/CFT) correspondence is illuminated through an
analysis of massive scalar field theory in d-dimensional de Sitter space. We consider a one …
analysis of massive scalar field theory in d-dimensional de Sitter space. We consider a one …
Mass, entropy, and holography in asymptotically de Sitter spaces
We propose a novel prescription for computing the boundary stress tensor and charges of
asymptotically de Sitter (dS) spacetimes from data at early or late time infinity. If there is a …
asymptotically de Sitter (dS) spacetimes from data at early or late time infinity. If there is a …