Fairface: Face attribute dataset for balanced race, gender, and age for bias measurement and mitigation
Existing public face image datasets are strongly biased toward Caucasian faces, and other
races (eg, Latino) are significantly underrepresented. The models trained from such datasets …
races (eg, Latino) are significantly underrepresented. The models trained from such datasets …
Cross-domain image retrieval with a dual attribute-aware ranking network
We address the problem of cross-domain image retrieval, considering the following practical
application: given a user photo depicting a clothing image, our goal is to retrieve the same or …
application: given a user photo depicting a clothing image, our goal is to retrieve the same or …
A two stream siamese convolutional neural network for person re-identification
Person re-identification is an important task in video surveillance systems. It can be formally
defined as establishing the correspondence between images of a person taken from …
defined as establishing the correspondence between images of a person taken from …
Multi-attribute learning for pedestrian attribute recognition in surveillance scenarios
In real video surveillance scenarios, visual pedestrian attributes, such as gender, backpack,
clothes types, are very important for pedestrian retrieval and person reidentification. Existing …
clothes types, are very important for pedestrian retrieval and person reidentification. Existing …
A richly annotated dataset for pedestrian attribute recognition
In this paper, we aim to improve the dataset foundation for pedestrian attribute recognition in
real surveillance scenarios. Recognition of human attributes, such as gender, and clothes …
real surveillance scenarios. Recognition of human attributes, such as gender, and clothes …
Super-resolution person re-identification with semi-coupled low-rank discriminant dictionary learning
Person re-identification has been widely studied due to its importance in surveillance and
forensics applications. In practice, gallery images are high-resolution (HR) while probe …
forensics applications. In practice, gallery images are high-resolution (HR) while probe …
Person re-identification using CNN features learned from combination of attributes
This paper presents fine-tuned CNN features for person re-identification. Recently, features
extracted from top layers of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on a large …
extracted from top layers of pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on a large …
Pedestrian attribute recognition: A survey
Abstract Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (PAR) is an important task in computer vision
community and plays an important role in practical video surveillance. The goal of this paper …
community and plays an important role in practical video surveillance. The goal of this paper …
Transferable, controllable, and inconspicuous adversarial attacks on person re-identification with deep mis-ranking
The success of DNNs has driven the extensive applications of person re-identification
(ReID) into a new era. However, whether ReID inherits the vulnerability of DNNs remains …
(ReID) into a new era. However, whether ReID inherits the vulnerability of DNNs remains …
Transferring a semantic representation for person re-identification and search
Learning semantic attributes for person re-identification and description-based person
search has gained increasing interest due to attributes' great potential as a pose and view …
search has gained increasing interest due to attributes' great potential as a pose and view …