Citizens' electronic participation: a systematic review of their challenges and how to overcome them
The evolution of the internet and the popularity of the social media have brought new
possibilities for citizens' participation into government decision-making. Laws, in democratic …
possibilities for citizens' participation into government decision-making. Laws, in democratic …
Increasing citizen participation in e-participatory budgeting processes
In this paper, we explore ways of creating and strengthening e-democracy on the local
government level by means of e-participatory budgeting projects. Having analyzed the …
government level by means of e-participatory budgeting projects. Having analyzed the …
[PDF][PDF] Participatory budgeting and budget dynamics in the public sector
The topic of “participatory budgeting” has been discussed in different places in the academic
literature, mainly in the areas of Public Administration and Political Science. Accounting has …
literature, mainly in the areas of Public Administration and Political Science. Accounting has …
Inclusiveness, safety, resilience, and sustainability in the smart city context
The increasing pace of urbanization and its geospatial distribution suggest that over the
years to come cities and urban ecosystems will be exposed to a plethora of new challenges …
years to come cities and urban ecosystems will be exposed to a plethora of new challenges …
Factors contributing to gender inequality in land access and land tenure security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A literature review
Land access and land tenure security are essential aspects of sustainable development.
Land rights are increasingly becoming inaccessible, especially for women, translating into …
Land rights are increasingly becoming inaccessible, especially for women, translating into …
E-participation, social media and digital gap: Challenges in the brazilian context
This article discusses the technological challenges and limitations of the use of social media
in e-participation initiatives in Brazil. Based on the descriptive analysis of two national …
in e-participation initiatives in Brazil. Based on the descriptive analysis of two national …
[HTML][HTML] Interactivity and policy cycle within Electronic Participatory Budgeting: a comparative analysis
Contemporaneamente, verifica-se a apropriação de tecnologias de informação e
comunicação (TIC) por iniciativas que têm como meta a participação cidadã, cujo exemplo …
comunicação (TIC) por iniciativas que têm como meta a participação cidadã, cujo exemplo …
Towards a working model of e-participation in smart cities: What the research suggests
Recent e-government research has focused on the concept of smart cities, which can be
broadly defined as cities that significantly incorporate new technologies into their …
broadly defined as cities that significantly incorporate new technologies into their …
Political effects on the discontinuation of participatory budgeting in municipalities.
The article analyzes the factors associated with the discontinuation of participatory
budgeting (PB) in Brazilian municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants between 2000 …
budgeting (PB) in Brazilian municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants between 2000 …
O orçamento participativo ea dinâmica orçamentária no setor público
Este artigo discute o orçamento participativo por uma ótica pouco explorada pela literatura:
a dimensão do orçamento. A literatura que trata o orçamento participativo em geral foca no …
a dimensão do orçamento. A literatura que trata o orçamento participativo em geral foca no …