Fishery and agriculture amidst human activities and climate change in the Mekong River: A review of gaps in data and effective approaches towards sustainable …
Fisheries and agriculture–the pillars of food security in the Lancang Mekong River Basin
(LMRB)–substantially contribute to the welfare of communities in the region through …
(LMRB)–substantially contribute to the welfare of communities in the region through …
Responding to rising sea levels in the Mekong Delta
Vietnamese communities in the Mekong Delta are faced with the substantial impacts of
rising sea levels and salinity intrusion. The construction of embankments and dykes has …
rising sea levels and salinity intrusion. The construction of embankments and dykes has …
Observed changes in flow regimes in the Mekong River basin
Human activities, such as dam construction, significantly altered the flow regimes in the
Mekong River, particularly after the completion of two large dams, namely **aowan and …
Mekong River, particularly after the completion of two large dams, namely **aowan and …
Future rice farming threatened by drought in the Lower Mekong Basin
Abstract The Lower Mekong River basin (LMB) has experienced droughts in recent
decades, causing detrimental economic losses and food security conundrums. This study …
decades, causing detrimental economic losses and food security conundrums. This study …
Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies on rainfed rice production in Songkhram River Basin, Thailand
This study investigates rice yield and evaluates potential adaptation measures on field
management practices for rainfed rice production under climate change scenarios in the …
management practices for rainfed rice production under climate change scenarios in the …
Quantifying the impact of climate change on crop yield and water footprint of rice in the Nam Oon Irrigation Project, Thailand
Northeast Thailand makes a significant contribution to fragrant and high-quality rice
consumed within Thailand and exported to other countries. The majority of rice is produced …
consumed within Thailand and exported to other countries. The majority of rice is produced …
The impact of climate change, population growth and development on sustainable water security in Bangladesh to 2100
There are concerns that groundwater use for irrigation and for urban water supply is
unsustainable in some parts of Bangladesh, particularly in the agriculturally productive …
unsustainable in some parts of Bangladesh, particularly in the agriculturally productive …
Adaptation strategies for rice cultivation under climate change in Central Vietnam
This study investigates the impact of climate change on winter and summer rice (Oryza
sativa) yield and evaluates several adaptation measures to overcome the negative impact of …
sativa) yield and evaluates several adaptation measures to overcome the negative impact of …
Evaluating the impacts of drought on rice productivity over Cambodia in the Lower Mekong Basin
Recurring drought in the Lower Mekong countries has inflicted enormous pressure on the
natural ecosystem, rice productivity, and water resources. A regional scale assessment over …
natural ecosystem, rice productivity, and water resources. A regional scale assessment over …
Adapting to climate change for food security in the Rift Valley dry lands of Ethiopia: supplemental irrigation, plant density and sowing date
A Muluneh, L Stroosnijder, S Keesstra… - The Journal of …, 2017 -
Studies on climate impacts and related adaptation strategies are becoming increasingly
important to counteract the negative impacts of climate change. In Ethiopia, climate change …
important to counteract the negative impacts of climate change. In Ethiopia, climate change …