Magnitude and associated factors of menstrual irregularity among undergraduate students of Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
AB Zeru, ED Gebeyaw, ET Ayele - Reproductive health, 2021 - Springer
Background Menstrual irregularity is a common problem among women aged from 21 to 25
years. Previously published work on menstrual irregularity used inconsistent definition which …
years. Previously published work on menstrual irregularity used inconsistent definition which …
[PDF][PDF] Usia menarche, status gizi, dan siklus menstruasi santri putri
Pada remaja putri, pubertas ditandai dengan permulaan menstruasi yang disebut dengan
usia menarche. Menstruasi seharusnya memiliki siklus yang teratur yaitu 21-35 hari …
usia menarche. Menstruasi seharusnya memiliki siklus yang teratur yaitu 21-35 hari …
Double burden of malnutrition among female adolescent students in Bahir Dar City, Amhara, Ethiopia
Background. Globally, nearly a third of the population suffers from at least one form of
malnutrition. Both over‐and undernutrition are a growing concern in develo** countries …
malnutrition. Both over‐and undernutrition are a growing concern in develo** countries …
The relationship between menarche and nutritional status in Junior High School students in Aceh Besar. A study from 30 years of armed conflict area, Aceh, Indonesia
Age at menarche is strongly associated with adolescents' nutritional status. Food insecurity
is one of the factors that cause nutritional disorders. Communities living in areas of armed …
is one of the factors that cause nutritional disorders. Communities living in areas of armed …
Female adolescents' preparations, knowledge, and emotional response toward menarche: a preliminary study
Emotional response toward menarche is a psychological problem for female adolescents. In
addition menarche is considered taboo and embarrassing by female adolescents. Many …
addition menarche is considered taboo and embarrassing by female adolescents. Many …
[PDF][PDF] Do nutritional deficiencies lead to menstrual irregularities
A Jahangir - Int. J. Nutr. Sci. Food Technol, 2018 - womena.dk
Background: Menstruation is a vital part of female reproductive health, and its irregularities
could interfere in the normal life of menstruating women and girls (1). Despite the fact that …
could interfere in the normal life of menstruating women and girls (1). Despite the fact that …
The Influence of Gadgets on Menstruation of Medical Student in Indonesia
N Azizah, M Hamsah, ZK Novriansyah… - Journal of Aafiyah …, 2023 - mail.pasca-umi.ac.id
Background: Menstruation is bleeding that comes out of the vagina periodically and
cyclically in the corpus uteri accompanied by progestational endometrial desquamation as a …
cyclically in the corpus uteri accompanied by progestational endometrial desquamation as a …
Factors Related to The Potential Acceleration of Menarche
R Novianti, D Ardila - Journal of Maternity Care and Reproductive …, 2021 - mcrhjournal.or.id
Menarche is the first period of menstruation that young women get when they reach puberty.
According to RISKESDAS (2013), the average age of menarche is less than 12 years old …
According to RISKESDAS (2013), the average age of menarche is less than 12 years old …
Edukasi Audio Visual terhadap Pengetahuan tentang Menarche pada Anak dengan Kebutuhan Khusus
Menarche merupakan menstrusi pertama yang dialami remaja umur 10-15 tahun.
Pengetahuan tentang menstruasi sangat dibutuhkan oleh remaja terutama penyandang …
Pengetahuan tentang menstruasi sangat dibutuhkan oleh remaja terutama penyandang …
Pengaruh Abdominal Stretching Exercise Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Haid Pada Remaja
Y Yuniza, WC Novayanti, S Suzana - Masker Medika, 2021 - jmm.ikestmp.ac.id
Pendahuluan: Nyeri haid merupakan masalah yang banyak ditemui pada wanita usia
reproduksi. Nyeri haid dimulai beberapa jam sebelum atau pada saat terjadinya perdarahan …
reproduksi. Nyeri haid dimulai beberapa jam sebelum atau pada saat terjadinya perdarahan …