[HTML][HTML] Applying self-optimised feedback to a learning management system for facilitating personalised learning activities on massive open online courses

X Qi, G Sun, L Yue - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
Web-based educational systems collect tremendous amounts of electronic data, ranging
from simple histories of students' interactions with the system to detailed traces of their …

Enhancing Learning of 3D Model Unwrap** through Virtual Reality Serious Game: Design and Usability Validation

B Rodriguez-Garcia, JM Ramírez-Sanz… - Electronics, 2024 - mdpi.com
Given the difficulty of explaining the unwrap** process through traditional teaching
methodologies, this article presents the design, development, and validation of an …

Performance assessment through work gamification: Investigating engagement

HRD Putranti, R Retnowati, AA Sihombing… - South African Journal of …, 2024 - scielo.org.za
Abstract PUTRANTI, Honorata RD; RETNOWATI, Retnowati; SIHOMBING, Adison A. and
DANANG, Danang. Performance Assessment through Work Gamification: Investigating …

Two-part onboarding for game-based learning environments

M Vidaković, M Lara, L Duchi, A Whitcomb… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
The trend of introducing game-based elements and mechanisms via game-based learning
(GBL) and gamification is expanding in higher education, as is research on the elements of …

Application of gamification elements in university education to improve the learning process

C Goldmann, R Woll - iceri2022 proceedings, 2022 - library.iated.org
The learning process can be divided into the sub-processes of understanding, storing,
retrieving and using the acquired knowledge. The acquisition of knowledge in turn takes …

Prototy** gamification of lifestyle application for prevention of obesity in young adults

H Chae - 2022 - essay.utwente.nl
The prevalence of obesity is a problem that continues to increase for decades like an
epidemic. In particular, young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 are vulnerable to …

Potencijali i perspektiva implementacije koncepta gamifikacije u turističkim destinacijama

P Grbeša - 2024 - zir.nsk.hr
Sažetak Gamifikacija u posljednje vrijeme sve se više koristi u marketingu. Korištenje
gamificiranog sadržaja najučestalije je među mlađim dobnim skupinama stoga za …

Gamification of Work Tasks: Effects of Mixed and Individual Game Design Elements on Motivation and Performance

M Borgsen - 2023 - lup.lub.lu.se
Gamification uses elements of game-designing on mundane tasks to enhance motivation
and performance. This study aimed to investigate the effects of gamification on performance …

[PDF][PDF] Lern-App BWL Champion: Konzeption und Anwen-dung in der digitalen Lehre/Prüfung

J Littkemann, K Pantani - CARF Luzern 2024, 2024 - researchgate.net
Lern-Apps sind in der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Hochschullehre noch wenig verbreitet.
Dieses überrascht vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Digitalisierung der Lehre und …

Spielerische Erhaltung und Förderung der mentalen Gesundheit

K Buck, E Dietrich, KJ Wack, D Vogt - Mensch und Computer 2022 …, 2022 - dl.gi.de
Die Erhaltung und Förderung mentaler Gesundheit gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung.
Die Bewältigung der Work-Life-Balance, der Informationsunsicherheit und der sozialen …