Indoor air pollution and health: bridging perspectives from develo** and developed countries
Much of the global population spends most of their time indoors; however, air pollution
measurement, a proxy of exposure, occurs primarily outdoors. This fundamental disconnect …
measurement, a proxy of exposure, occurs primarily outdoors. This fundamental disconnect …
Liquefied petroleum gas or biomass for cooking and effects on birth weight
Background Exposure during pregnancy to household air pollution caused by the burning of
solid biomass fuel is associated with adverse health outcomes, including low birth weight …
solid biomass fuel is associated with adverse health outcomes, including low birth weight …
Effects of cooking with liquefied petroleum gas or biomass on stunting in infants
Background Household air pollution is associated with stunted growth in infants. Whether
the replacement of biomass fuel (eg, wood, dung, or agricultural crop waste) with liquefied …
the replacement of biomass fuel (eg, wood, dung, or agricultural crop waste) with liquefied …
Exposure–response relationships for personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2· 5), carbon monoxide, and black carbon and birthweight: an observational …
Background Household air pollution (HAP) from solid fuel use is associated with adverse
birth outcomes, but data for exposure–response relationships are scarce. We examined …
birth outcomes, but data for exposure–response relationships are scarce. We examined …
Liquefied petroleum gas or biomass cooking and severe infant pneumonia
ED McCollum, JP McCracken, MA Kirby… - … England Journal of …, 2024 - Mass Medical Soc
Background Exposure to household air pollution is a risk factor for severe pneumonia. The
effect of replacing biomass cookstoves with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cookstoves on …
effect of replacing biomass cookstoves with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cookstoves on …
Household concentrations and female and child exposures to air pollution in peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa: measurements from the CLEAN-Air (Africa) study
Background Relatively clean cooking fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) emit less
fine particulate matter (PM 2· 5) and carbon monoxide (CO) than polluting fuels (eg, wood …
fine particulate matter (PM 2· 5) and carbon monoxide (CO) than polluting fuels (eg, wood …
Cooking with liquefied petroleum gas or biomass and fetal growth outcomes: a multi-country randomised controlled trial
Background Household air pollution might lead to fetal growth restriction during pregnancy.
We aimed to investigate whether a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) intervention to reduce …
We aimed to investigate whether a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) intervention to reduce …
Effects of environmental health literacy-based interventions on indoor air quality and urinary concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic …
JH Kim, N Moon, SJ Heo, JM Kwak - Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Indoor air pollution (IAP) caused by particulate matter (PM), aromatic and volatile chemicals
is one of the leading causes of adverse reproductive health effects, such as infertility …
is one of the leading causes of adverse reproductive health effects, such as infertility …
[HTML][HTML] Household carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in a large African city: An unquantified public health burden?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-
based fuels that is linked to mortality and morbidity. Household air pollution from burning …
based fuels that is linked to mortality and morbidity. Household air pollution from burning …
Household air pollution interventions to improve health in low-and middle-income countries: an official American Thoracic Society Research Statement
Background: An estimated 3 billion people, largely in low-and middle-income countries, rely
on unclean fuels for cooking, heating, and lighting to meet household energy needs. The …
on unclean fuels for cooking, heating, and lighting to meet household energy needs. The …