Distributed power generation planning for distribution networks using electric vehicles: Systematic attention to challenges and opportunities
Electric vehicular distributed generation are increasingly essential for distribution network
strategy. In recent years, electric car management and general administration have become …
strategy. In recent years, electric car management and general administration have become …
A hierarchical framework for renewable energy sources consumption promotion among microgrids through two-layer electricity prices
With the increasing penetration of distributed renewable resources (RES) and flexible loads,
distribution networks are gradually develo** into an active distribution network (ADN) …
distribution networks are gradually develo** into an active distribution network (ADN) …
Impact analysis of renewable energy Distributed Generation in deregulated electricity markets: A context of Transmission Congestion Problem
M Panda, YK Nayak - Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
In the present markets, transmission congestion is contemplated to play a crucial role in the
initiation of cascading outages, which compels the system to collapse. It is to be alleviated …
initiation of cascading outages, which compels the system to collapse. It is to be alleviated …
Flower pollination algorithm based multi-objective congestion management considering optimal capacities of distributed generations
Transmission Congestion creates hindrance that limit the most economical supply to reach
demands. Hence, it is relieved at the earliest to make optimum utilization of available …
demands. Hence, it is relieved at the earliest to make optimum utilization of available …
Protection coordination toward optimal network reconfiguration and DG sizing
Research on network reconfiguration (NR) considering distributed generations (DG) is
typically concerns on the issues of power loss, voltage deviation, DG sizing as well as its …
typically concerns on the issues of power loss, voltage deviation, DG sizing as well as its …
Modeling methodology and fault simulation of distribution networks integrated with inverter-based DG
L Wang, H Gao, G Zou - Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2017 - Springer
The increasing penetration of inverter-based distributed generations (DGs) significantly
affects the fault characteristics of distribution networks. Fault analysis is a keystone for …
affects the fault characteristics of distribution networks. Fault analysis is a keystone for …
[PDF][PDF] Optimal generation scheduling of power system for maximum renewable energy harvesting and power losses minimization
This paper proposes an optimal generation scheduling method for a power system
integrated with renewable energy sources (RES) based distributed generations (DG) and …
integrated with renewable energy sources (RES) based distributed generations (DG) and …
Modelling spatiotemporal impact of flash floods on power distribution system and dynamic service restoration with renewable generators considering interdependent …
In recent decades, flash floods have become more common because of climate change and
are considered a substantial risk for many cities worldwide. This catastrophic natural hazard …
are considered a substantial risk for many cities worldwide. This catastrophic natural hazard …
Optimal switching sequence path for distribution network reconfiguration considering different types of distributed generation
Minimizing power losses in a distribution system is commonly realized through optimal
network reconfiguration. In the past, network reconfiguration research was focused on …
network reconfiguration. In the past, network reconfiguration research was focused on …
[PDF][PDF] Comparative study of the performances of three metaheuristic algorithms in sizing hybrid-source power system
This paper presents compared performances of three metaheuristic algorithms in
determining the cost of hybrid renewable energy system. Using genetic algorithm (GA) …
determining the cost of hybrid renewable energy system. Using genetic algorithm (GA) …