Phages in nature

MRJ Clokie, AD Millard, AV Letarov, S Heaphy - Bacteriophage, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Phages are the most abundant organisms in the biosphere and they are a ubiquitous feature
of prokaryotic existence. A bacteriophage is a virus which infects a bacterium. Archaea are …

Viruses in the sea

CA Suttle - Nature, 2005 -
Viruses exist wherever life is found. They are a major cause of mortality, a driver of global
geochemical cycles and a reservoir of the greatest genetic diversity on Earth. In the oceans …

Ecology of prokaryotic viruses

MG Weinbauer - FEMS microbiology reviews, 2004 -
The finding that total viral abundance is higher than total prokaryotic abundance and that a
significant fraction of the prokaryotic community is infected with phages in aquatic systems …

Viruses as winners in the game of life

AG Cobián Güemes, M Youle, VA Cantú… - Annual review of …, 2016 -
Viruses are the most abundant and the most diverse life form. In this meta-analysis we
estimate that there are 4.80× 1031 phages on Earth. Further, 97% of viruses are in soil and …

Here a virus, there a virus, everywhere the same virus?

M Breitbart, F Rohwer - Trends in microbiology, 2005 -
There are an estimated 10 31 viruses on Earth, most of which are phages that infect
bacteria. Metagenomic analyses have shown that environmental viral communities are …

Viral metagenomics

RA Edwards, F Rohwer - Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2005 -
Viruses, most of which infect microorganisms, are the most abundant biological entities on
the planet. Identifying and measuring the community dynamics of viruses in the environment …

Are viruses driving microbial diversification and diversity?

MG Weinbauer… - Environmental …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Viruses can influence the genetic diversity of prokaryotes in various ways. They can affect
the community composition of prokaryotes by 'killing the winner'and kee** in check …

Phage-host interaction: an ecological perspective

S Chibani-Chennoufi, A Bruttin, ML Dillmann… - Journal of …, 2004 -
Nearly 100 years ago, Felix d'Herelle, the codiscoverer of bacteriophages, used bacteria to
control insect pests and used phages against bacterial disease. His approaches reffected …

Viral Control of Phytoplankton Populations—a Review1

CPD Brussaard - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Phytoplankton population dynamics are the result of imbalances between reproduction and
losses. Losses include grazing, sinking, and natural mortality. As the importance of microbes …

Viral and microbial community dynamics in four aquatic environments

B Rodriguez-Brito, LL Li, L Wegley, M Furlan… - The ISME …, 2010 -
The species composition and metabolic potential of microbial and viral communities are
predictable and stable for most ecosystems. This apparent stability contradicts theoretical …