[BOOK][B] Arab criminology

N Ouassini, A Ouassini - 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
The objective of Arab Criminology is to establish a criminological subfield called 'Arab
Criminology.'The ever-evolving field of criminology has advanced in the past decade, yet …

Anti-racism in Criminology: An Oxymoron or the way Forward?

JE Palmer, V Rajah, SK Wilson - Race and Justice, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Since the uprisings of 2020 in the aftermath of the police-perpetrated the murders of George
Floyd and Breonna Taylor, universities–and some departments–have expressed their …

The personal is political and so is discomfort: Intersectional, anti-racist praxis in feminist criminology

V Rajah, JE Palmer, M Duggan - Race and Justice, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The phrase “the personal is political” is commonly associated with 1970s feminists, for whom
it denoted the relationship between personal experiences and broad systems of inequality …

[BOOK][B] Criminologists in the media: A study of newsmaking

M Wood, I Richards, M Iliadis - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Criminologists in the Media presents the results of a cross-national study examining the
structures that shape criminologists' contributions to news and social media discourse …

Editorial Board Representation in Criminology: A Call to Address Racial Disparities

GD Breetzke - Race and Justice, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
There is increased awareness of the structural exclusionary practices that permeate
throughout almost all sectors of society, including higher education. One small but …

Seeing beyond Black and White to understand anti-Latinx crimes of bias: Ver más allá de blanco y negro para comprender los crímenes de parcialidad contra los …

M Ward - Latino Studies, 2024 - Springer
Hatred towards marginalized racial and ethnic groups has a long history in the US While
Latinxs were never exempted from this hostility, historical narratives of racial violence often …

Culture: An Alternative Variable to Race in Criminology

JC Abril - 2025 - dialogueshss.com
The author discusses the need for forking racial categories into culturally-based sub-
categories for research. The author argues culturally-based descriptive characteristics are …

[PDF][PDF] Black criminology

C Phillips - The Routledge International Handbook on …, 2023 - library.oapen.org
(Jack, black British Jamaican)[when I was a small child] one time my Dad got arrested. Erm,
they put him in a police car, and I was like,“Oh, can I go with him?” You know, with the lights …

A High Potential for Something Good: Reflections on When Lived Experience Meets What Works

KA Wright - Handbook on Prisons and Jails, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Engaging with the voices of people who live and work in prisons and jails could include their
perspective on what is “known” in correctional research. Theories, programs, and policies …

“They Need to Go in There”: Criminalized Subjectivity among Formerly Incarcerated Black Men

L Couloute - Socius, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Black people are overrepresented in the American criminal justice system, yet policy-based
criminal justice research has historically ignored the perspectives of criminalized Black …