[CARTE][B] The dawn of everything: A new history of humanity

D Graeber, D Wengrow - 2021 - books.google.com

[HTML][HTML] The revolution that still isn't: The origins of behavioral complexity in Homo sapiens

EML Scerri, M Will - Journal of Human Evolution, 2023 - Elsevier
The behavioral origins of Homo sapiens can be traced back to the first material culture
produced by our species in Africa, the Middle Stone Age (MSA). Beyond this broad …

Going big versus going small: Lithic miniaturization in hominin lithic technology

J Pargeter, JJ Shea - Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Lithic miniaturization was one of our Pleistocene ancestors' more pervasive stone tool
production strategies and it marks a key difference between human and non‐human tool …

Rethinking the Middle to Later Stone Age transition in southern Africa-A perspective from the highveld of Eswatini

GD Bader, A Mabuza, DP Williams, M Will - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
The MSA/LSA transition is a major shift in the African archaeological record, but questions
on its beginning remain debated. In southern Africa, most sites suggest an origin of LSA …

Earliest known human burial in Africa

M Martinón-Torres, F d'Errico, E Santos, A Álvaro Gallo… - Nature, 2021 - nature.com
The origin and evolution of hominin mortuary practices are topics of intense interest and
debate,–. Human burials dated to the Middle Stone Age (MSA) are exceedingly rare in Africa …

Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari

J Wilkins, BJ Schoville, R Pickering, L Gliganic… - Nature, 2021 - nature.com
The archaeological record of Africa provides the earliest evidence for the emergence of the
complex symbolic and technological behaviours that characterize Homo sapiens,,,,,–. The …

Paleo-ENSO influence on African environments and early modern humans

S Kaboth-Bahr, WD Gosling, R Vogelsang… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - pnas.org
In this study, we synthesize terrestrial and marine proxy records, spanning the past 620 ky,
to decipher pan-African climate variability and its drivers and potential linkages to hominin …

Bows and arrows and complex symbolic displays 48,000 years ago in the South Asian tropics

MC Langley, N Amano, O Wedage, S Deraniyagala… - Science …, 2020 - science.org
Archaeologists contend that it was our aptitude for symbolic, technological, and social
behaviors that was central to Homo sapiens rapidly expanding across the majority of Earth's …

Evaluating refugia in recent human evolution in Africa

J Blinkhorn, L Timbrell, M Grove… - … Transactions of the …, 2022 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Homo sapiens have adapted to an incredible diversity of habitats around the globe. This
capacity to adapt to different landscapes is clearly expressed within Africa, with Late …

Microliths in the South Asian rainforest~ 45-4 ka: New insights from Fa-Hien Lena Cave, Sri Lanka

O Wedage, A Picin, J Blinkhorn, K Douka… - Plos One, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Microliths–small, retouched, often-backed stone tools–are often interpreted to be the product
of composite tools, including projectile weapons, and efficient hunting strategies by modern …