Engineering extracellular electron transfer pathways of electroactive microorganisms by synthetic biology for energy and chemicals production
J Zhang, F Li, D Liu, Q Liu, H Song - Chemical Society Reviews, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
The excessive consumption of fossil fuels causes massive emission of CO2, leading to
climate deterioration and environmental pollution. The development of substitutes and …
climate deterioration and environmental pollution. The development of substitutes and …
Industrial biotechnology of Pseudomonas putida: advances and prospects
Pseudomonas putida is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that can be encountered in
diverse ecological habitats. This ubiquity is traced to its remarkably versatile metabolism …
diverse ecological habitats. This ubiquity is traced to its remarkably versatile metabolism …
[HTML][HTML] Pseudomonas putida as a functional chassis for industrial biocatalysis: from native biochemistry to trans-metabolism
The itinerary followed by Pseudomonas putida from being a soil-dweller and plant colonizer
bacterium to become a flexible and engineer-able platform for metabolic engineering stems …
bacterium to become a flexible and engineer-able platform for metabolic engineering stems …
Microbial electrosynthesis: opportunities for microbial pure cultures
Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is an emerging technology that couples renewable
electricity to microbial production processes. Although advances in MES performance have …
electricity to microbial production processes. Although advances in MES performance have …
Resource recovery from wastewater by biological technologies: opportunities, challenges, and prospects
Limits in resource availability are driving a change in current societal production systems,
changing the focus from residues treatment, such as wastewater treatment, toward resource …
changing the focus from residues treatment, such as wastewater treatment, toward resource …
Chasing bacterial chassis for metabolic engineering: a perspective review from classical to non‐traditional microorganisms
The last few years have witnessed an unprecedented increase in the number of novel
bacterial species that hold potential to be used for metabolic engineering. Historically …
bacterial species that hold potential to be used for metabolic engineering. Historically …
Electro-fermentation–merging electrochemistry with fermentation in industrial applications
Electro-fermentation (EF) merges traditional industrial fermentation with electrochemistry. An
imposed electrical field influences the fermentation environment and microbial metabolism …
imposed electrical field influences the fermentation environment and microbial metabolism …
Biophotovoltaics: green power generation from sunlight and water
Biophotovoltaics is a relatively new discipline in microbial fuel cell research. The basic idea
is the conversion of light energy into electrical energy using photosynthetic microorganisms …
is the conversion of light energy into electrical energy using photosynthetic microorganisms …
From dirt to industrial applications: Pseudomonas putida as a synthetic biology chassis for hosting harsh biochemical reactions
Highlights•SynBio needs chassis with superior genetic, biochemical, and physiological
traits.•Environmental bacteria are endowed with many advantageous metabolic properties.• …
traits.•Environmental bacteria are endowed with many advantageous metabolic properties.• …
Electro-fermentation: sustainable bioproductions steered by electricity
The market of biobased products obtainable via fermentation processes has steadily
increased over the past few years, driven by the need to create a decarbonized economy. To …
increased over the past few years, driven by the need to create a decarbonized economy. To …