Perpendicular transport of energetic particles in magnetic turbulence

A Shalchi - Space Science Reviews, 2020 - Springer
Scientists have explored how energetic particles such as solar energetic particles and
cosmic rays move through a magnetized plasma such as the interplanetary and interstellar …

Recent developments in particle acceleration at shocks: theory and observations

S Perri, A Bykov, H Fahr, H Fichtner… - Space Science Reviews, 2022 - Springer
Energetic particles represent an important component of the plasma in the heliosphere.
They range from particles accelerated at impulsive events in the solar corona and at large …

Nine outstanding questions of solar wind physics

NM Viall, JE Borovsky - Journal of Geophysical Research …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In situ measurements of the solar wind have been available for almost 60 years, and in that
time plasma physics simulation capabilities have commenced and ground‐based solar …

Methods for characterising microphysical processes in plasmas

T Dudok de Wit, O Alexandrova, I Furno… - Space Science …, 2013 - Springer
Advanced spectral and statistical data analysis techniques have greatly contributed to
sha** our understanding of microphysical processes in plasmas. We review some of the …

Infinite densities for Lévy walks

A Rebenshtok, S Denisov, P Hänggi, E Barkai - Physical Review E, 2014 - APS
Motion of particles in many systems exhibits a mixture between periods of random diffusive-
like events and ballistic-like motion. In many cases, such systems exhibit strong anomalous …

Energetic particle transport in the presence of magnetic turbulence: influence of spectral extension and intermittency

F Pucci, F Malara, S Perri, G Zimbardo… - Monthly Notices of …, 2016 -
The transport of energetic particles in the presence of magnetic turbulence is an important
but unsolved problem of space physics and astrophysics. Here, we aim at advancing the …

From Lévy walks to superdiffusive shock acceleration

G Zimbardo, S Perri - The Astrophysical Journal, 2013 -
In this paper, we present a general scenario for nondiffusive transport and we investigate the
influence of anomalous, superdiffusive transport on Fermi acceleration processes at shocks …

Nonclassical transport and particle-field coupling: from laboratory plasmas to the solar wind

D Perrone, RO Dendy, I Furno, R Sanchez… - Space Science …, 2013 - Springer
Understanding transport of thermal and suprathermal particles is a fundamental issue in
laboratory, solar-terrestrial, and astrophysical plasmas. For laboratory fusion experiments …

Parameter estimation of superdiffusive motion of energetic particles upstream of heliospheric shocks

S Perri, G Zimbardo, F Effenberger… - Astronomy & …, 2015 -
Context. In-situ spacecraft observations recently suggested that the transport of energetic
particles accelerated at heliospheric shocks can be anomalous, ie the mean square …

Superdiffusive transport in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas

G Zimbardo, E Amato, A Bovet, F Effenberger… - Journal of Plasma …, 2015 -
In the last few years it has been demonstrated, both by data analysis and by numerical
simulations, that the transport of energetic particles in the presence of magnetic turbulence …