The role of (social) media in political polarization: a systematic review
Rising political polarization is, in part, attributed to the fragmentation of news media and the
spread of misinformation on social media. Previous reviews have yet to assess the full …
spread of misinformation on social media. Previous reviews have yet to assess the full …
Ethnic orientation over ethical underpinnings: Emerging trends of the Ethiopian media landscape
The study aims to assess the interplay between ethnic identity politics and editorial
independence of the six purposively selected ethnic-based Ethiopian media through the …
independence of the six purposively selected ethnic-based Ethiopian media through the …
The polarizing content warning: how the media can reduce affective polarization
Past research suggests that journalists can (unintentionally) exacerbate affective
polarization when reporting on growing levels of polarization in society. However, is there a …
polarization when reporting on growing levels of polarization in society. However, is there a …
Media diet and polarisation: evidence from Spain
A Padró-Solanet, J Balcells - Affective Polarisation in Spain, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Does media diet diversity influence affective polarisation of the public? To test this
hypothesis we analyse data from Spain, which like other South European countries has a …
hypothesis we analyse data from Spain, which like other South European countries has a …
Polarization all the way down: How coverage of elite and partisan polarization spills over to perceptions of the US mass public
G Ploger - Political Communication, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
How do ordinary citizens perceive and respond to different kinds of political polarization in
the US? Recent work shows that people believe that the parties are intensely polarized but …
the US? Recent work shows that people believe that the parties are intensely polarized but …
Democracy in the digital public sphere: disruptive or self-corrective?
HJ Trenz - Communication Theory, 2023 - academic.oup.com
The article assesses the post-democratic scenario of a public sphere that is detached from
democracy. By describing how public spheres are transformed by the Internet, it is asked …
democracy. By describing how public spheres are transformed by the Internet, it is asked …
Why partisans feel hated: Distinct static and dynamic relationships with animosity meta-perceptions
Partisans hold inaccurate perceptions of the other side. What drives these inaccuracies? We
address this question with a focus on partisan animosity meta-perceptions (ie how much a …
address this question with a focus on partisan animosity meta-perceptions (ie how much a …
Does social media use polarize or depolarize political opinion in China? Explaining opinion polarization within an extended communication mediation model
In a major policy overhaul, China now allows couples to have up to three children, sparking
a firestorm of contested opinions on social media. Drawing on an online survey of 802 …
a firestorm of contested opinions on social media. Drawing on an online survey of 802 …
Medios de comunicación y confianza política en América Latina: análisis individual y contextual del rol de las noticias en la confianza en el gobierno y el Estado
Resumen¿ Cuál es la asociación entre exposición a noticias y confianza política en
Latinoamérica?¿ Hay diferencias según la libertad del sistema de medios y los niveles de …
Latinoamérica?¿ Hay diferencias según la libertad del sistema de medios y los niveles de …
Emotional Reframing of Economic News using a Large Language Model
News media framing can shape public perception and potentially polarize views. Emotional
language can exacerbate these framing effects, as a user's emotional state can be an …
language can exacerbate these framing effects, as a user's emotional state can be an …