[HTML][HTML] Climate-related land use policies in Brazil: How much has been achieved with economic incentives in agriculture?
Until 2019, the Brazilian federal government employed a number of policy measures to fulfill
the pledge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and agriculture …
the pledge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and agriculture …
The “extra pinch” of pseudosand to enhance tropical biogeochemical processes understanding
Despite knowing better, water‐stable aggregates like pseudosands are still disintegrated
into their clay‐and silt‐sized bits and pieces to serve standardization in texture …
into their clay‐and silt‐sized bits and pieces to serve standardization in texture …
Soil formation and properties along a sedimentary lithosequence in the ecotonal Cerrados of Mato Grosso, Brazil
Despite numerous studies on the Cerrado savannas core areas in Brazil, soils located in its
transition with Amazonia and other biomes are still poorly known, although these areas are …
transition with Amazonia and other biomes are still poorly known, although these areas are …
An Integrated Approach to Assess the Water Efficiency of Introducing Best Management Practices: An Application to Sugarcane Mechanisation in Brazil
Management practices reputed to be the best are being introduced widely in the agricultural
sector. The identification of what these best management practices are for a given cultivation …
sector. The identification of what these best management practices are for a given cultivation …
Denitrification losses (N2O & N2) in response to nitrogen fertiliser rates in Australian sugarcane systems: From field to regional scales
N Takeda - 2023 - eprints.qut.edu.au
This research investigated the response of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, to
nitrogen (N) fertiliser rates in Australian sugarcane systems from field to regional scales …
nitrogen (N) fertiliser rates in Australian sugarcane systems from field to regional scales …