[KNJIGA][B] Feature engineering for machine learning and data analytics
Feature engineering plays a vital role in big data analytics. Machine learning and data
mining algorithms cannot work without data. Little can be achieved if there are few features …
mining algorithms cannot work without data. Little can be achieved if there are few features …
API method recommendation without worrying about the task-API knowledge gap
Q Huang, X ** knowledge push algorithm
Purpose This study aims to highlight the inconsistency between conventional knowledge
push judgements and the price of knowledge push. Also, a three-way decision-based …
push judgements and the price of knowledge push. Also, a three-way decision-based …
Duplicate question detection with deep learning in stack overflow
L Wang, L Zhang, J Jiang - IEEE Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Stack Overflow is a popular Community-based Question Answer (CQA) website focused on
software programming and has attracted more and more users in recent years. However …
software programming and has attracted more and more users in recent years. However …
Identifying linked incidents in large-scale online service systems
In large-scale online service systems, incidents occur frequently due to a variety of causes,
from updates of software and hardware to changes in operation environment. These …
from updates of software and hardware to changes in operation environment. These …