Rydberg aggregates
We review Rydberg aggregates, assemblies of a few Rydberg atoms exhibiting energy
transport through collective eigenstates, considering isolated atoms or assemblies …
transport through collective eigenstates, considering isolated atoms or assemblies …
Measurement of the van der Waals interaction by atom trajectory imaging
N Thaicharoen, A Schwarzkopf, G Raithel - Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
We study the repulsive van der Waals interaction of cold rubidium 70 S 1/2 Rydberg atoms
by analysis of time-delayed pair-correlation functions. After excitation, Rydberg atoms are …
by analysis of time-delayed pair-correlation functions. After excitation, Rydberg atoms are …
Effect of random positions for coherent dipole transport
F Robicheaux, NM Gill - Physical Review A, 2014 - APS
We calculate the effect of two kinds of randomness on the coherent motion of an exciton
whose transport is governed by the dipole-dipole interaction. As our example, we use the …
whose transport is governed by the dipole-dipole interaction. As our example, we use the …
Atom-pair kinetics with strong electric-dipole interactions
Rydberg-atom ensembles are switched from a weakly to a strongly interacting regime via
adiabatic transformation of the atoms from an approximately nonpolar into a highly dipolar …
adiabatic transformation of the atoms from an approximately nonpolar into a highly dipolar …
Quantum zeno suppression of intramolecular forces
S Wüster - Physical review letters, 2017 - APS
We show that Born-Oppenheimer surfaces can intrinsically decohere, implying loss of
coherence among constituent electronic basis states. We consider the example of …
coherence among constituent electronic basis states. We consider the example of …
Quantum dynamics of long-range interacting systems using the positive- and gauge- representations
We provide the necessary framework for carrying out stochastic positive-P and gauge-P
simulations of bosonic systems with long-range interactions. In these approaches, the …
simulations of bosonic systems with long-range interactions. In these approaches, the …
Switching exciton pulses through conical intersections
Exciton pulses transport excitation and entanglement adiabatically through Rydberg
aggregates, assemblies of highly excited light atoms, which are set into directed motion by …
aggregates, assemblies of highly excited light atoms, which are set into directed motion by …
Orthogonal flexible Rydberg aggregates
We study the link between atomic motion and exciton transport in flexible Rydberg
aggregates, assemblies of highly excited light alkali-metal atoms, for which motion due to …
aggregates, assemblies of highly excited light alkali-metal atoms, for which motion due to …
Dipole–dipole induced global motion of Rydberg-dressed atom clouds
We consider two clouds of ground-state alkali atoms in two distinct hyperfine ground states.
Each level is far off-resonantly coupled to a Rydberg state, which leads to dressed ground …
Each level is far off-resonantly coupled to a Rydberg state, which leads to dressed ground …
Exciton induced directed motion of unconstrained atoms in an ultracold gas
We demonstrate that through localised Rydberg excitation in a three-dimensional cold atom
cloud atomic motion can be rendered directed and nearly confined to a plane, without …
cloud atomic motion can be rendered directed and nearly confined to a plane, without …