The need for religious and spiritual counseling among Ukraine's war refugees

M Wyrostkiewicz, W Wciseł… - Journal for the Study of …, 2022‏ -
Experiencing a war is rightly regarded as a crisis. Therefore, it appears to act as an impulse
verifying the current view on many issues, especially one's values system and approach to …

[ספר][B] Spór ewolucjonizmu z kreacjonizmem. Podstawowe pojęcia i poglądy

K Jodkowski - 2007‏ -
Zasadniczo istnieją tylko dwa wyjaśnienia pochodzenia Wszechświata, życia i człowieka.
naturalizm i nadnaturalizm. Wszystkie szczegółowe koncepcje są tylko odmianami tych dwu …

Theological Insight into the Phenomenon of Life: The Bios as the Vesigium Dei

K Duszek - Teologia w Polsce, 2019‏ -
Contemporary discussion on the phenomenon of life is a meeting point for natural sciences
and religion. In their dialogue, two extreme opinions prevail, which make us understand life …

Teologiczne dylematy Karola Darwina

G Malec - Roczniki Filozoficzne, 2012‏ -
Karol Darwin jest obecnie rozpoznawany głównie jako autor teorii ewolucji. Należy jednak
zauważyć, że jego rozważania nie ograniczały się jedynie do kwestii przyrodniczych. Poza …

Political Science Concerning Religion in the Perspective of Moderate Methodological Naturalism

Ł Młyńczyk - Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne, 2018‏ -
The aim of the article is to define the methodological status of the proposed new sub-
discipline of political sciences–the political science of religion (politology of religion) The …

Paradigms of anthropology as causes of taxonomic controversies

J Tomczyk - Anthropological Review, 2002‏ -
The thesis of the paper is that the paradigms espoused by scholars affect their taxonomic
decisions, which points to a philosophical source of such controversies. The paradigms the …

A Theological Perspective on the Phenomenon of Life: Introduction into the Bios, Psyche, and Zoe

A Pędrak, K Duszek - Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020‏ -
Life is such a beautiful and unique phenomenon. It cannot be described by a single
definition, as it manifests itself in many different ways. Therefore, the phenomenon of life …

W stronę teologii nauki–na kanwie myśli ks. prof. Michała Hellera

T Maziarka - Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2016‏ -
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie relacji nauki do teologii, w oparciu o myśl ks. prof. Michała
Hellera, i zmierza ku takiemu ujęciu obydwu dyscyplin, w którym nauka staje się …

On evolution and creation: Problem solved? The polish example

J Tomczyk, G Bugajak - Zygon®, 2009‏ - Wiley Online Library
We present the results of research carried out as a part of the project Current Controversies
about Human Origins: Between Anthropology and the Bible, which focused on the supposed …

The doctrine of the intelligent design from the point of view of the cognitive science of religion

WP Grygiel - Scientia et Fides, 2020‏ -
The doctrine of the Intelligent Design offers an intuitive explanation of why the ordering in
the Universe is authored by an intentional agency. Due to its appeal to common-sense …