Behavioral experiments in health economics
MM Galizzi, D Wiesen - 2018 - eprints.lse.ac.uk
The state-of-the-art literature at the interface between experimental and behavioral
economics and health economics is reviewed by identifying and discussing ten areas of …
economics and health economics is reviewed by identifying and discussing ten areas of …
Comparing the effects of defaults in organ donation systems
The ability of patients in many parts of the world to benefit from transplantation is limited by
growing shortages of transplantable organs. The choice architecture of donation systems is …
growing shortages of transplantable organs. The choice architecture of donation systems is …
Looking inside the lab: a systematic literature review of economic experiments in health service provision
Experimental economics is, nowadays, a well-established approach to investigate agents'
behavior under economic incentives. In the last decade, a fast-growing number of studies …
behavior under economic incentives. In the last decade, a fast-growing number of studies …
Removing financial barriers to organ and bone marrow donation: the effect of leave and tax legislation in the US
Many US states have passed legislation providing leave to organ and bone marrow donors
and/or tax benefits for live and deceased organ and bone marrow donations and to …
and/or tax benefits for live and deceased organ and bone marrow donations and to …
Incentivizing organ donor registrations with organ allocation priority
How donor organs are allocated for transplant can affect their scarcity. In 2008, Israel's
Parliament passed an Organ Transplantation Law granting priority on organ donor waiting …
Parliament passed an Organ Transplantation Law granting priority on organ donor waiting …
Israel's 2008 Organ Transplant Law: continued ethical challenges to the priority points model
C Berzon - Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 2018 - Springer
In 2008, responding to a widening gap between need and availability of transplant organs,
Israel's Ministry of Health adopted a program of incentivized cadaveric organ donation. The …
Israel's Ministry of Health adopted a program of incentivized cadaveric organ donation. The …
[HTML][HTML] Incentivizing authorization for deceased organ donation with organ allocation priority: the first 5 years
The allocation system of donor organs for transplantation may affect their scarcity. In 2008,
Israel's Parliament passed the Organ Transplantation Law, which grants priority on waiting …
Israel's Parliament passed the Organ Transplantation Law, which grants priority on waiting …
Effect of media presentations on willingness to commit to organ donation
We examine how presentations of organ donation cases in the media may affect people's
willingness to sign organ donation commitment cards, donate the organs of a deceased …
willingness to sign organ donation commitment cards, donate the organs of a deceased …
Experiments in market design
AE Roth - Handbook of experimental economics, 2016 - degruyter.com
The phrase market design has come to include the design not only of marketplaces but also
of other economic environments, institutions, and allocation rules. And it includes not only …
of other economic environments, institutions, and allocation rules. And it includes not only …
Solving shortage in a priceless market: Insights from blood donation
Shortage is common in many markets, such as those for human organs or blood, but the
problem is often difficult to solve through price adjustment, given safety and ethical …
problem is often difficult to solve through price adjustment, given safety and ethical …