Solid-state NMR: Methods for biological solids
In the last two decades, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectroscopy has
transformed from a spectroscopic technique investigating small molecules and industrial …
transformed from a spectroscopic technique investigating small molecules and industrial …
Isotope labeling for solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy of membrane proteins
In this chapter, we summarize the isotopic labeling strategies used to obtain high-quality
solution and solid-state NMR spectra of biological samples, with emphasis on integral …
solution and solid-state NMR spectra of biological samples, with emphasis on integral …
Probing the energy barriers and stages of membrane protein unfolding using solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Understanding how the amino acid sequence dictates protein structure and defines its
stability is a fundamental problem in molecular biology. It is especially challenging for …
stability is a fundamental problem in molecular biology. It is especially challenging for …
Multiplexing experiments in NMR and multi-nuclear MRI
Multiplexing NMR experiments by direct detection of multiple free induction decays (FIDs) in
a single experiment offers a dramatic increase in the spectral information content and often …
a single experiment offers a dramatic increase in the spectral information content and often …
Conformational dynamics of a seven transmembrane helical protein Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin probed by solid-state NMR
The ability to detect and characterize molecular motions represents one of the unique
strengths of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In this study, we report solid …
strengths of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In this study, we report solid …
Solid-state NMR of membrane proteins in lipid bilayers: to spin or not to spin?
Conspectus Membrane proteins mediate a plethora of cellular functions and represent
important targets for drug development. Unlike soluble proteins, membrane proteins require …
important targets for drug development. Unlike soluble proteins, membrane proteins require …
Fast acquisition of proton‐detected HETCOR solid‐state NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei and rapid measurement of NH bond lengths by frequency selective …
Fast magic‐angle spinning (MAS), frequency selective (FS) heteronuclear multiple quantum
coherence (HMQC) experiments which function in an analogous manner to solution …
coherence (HMQC) experiments which function in an analogous manner to solution …
Simultaneous recording of intra-and inter-residue linking experiments for backbone assignments in proteins at MAS frequencies higher than 60 kHz
Obtaining site-specific assignments for the NMR spectra of proteins in the solid state is a
significant bottleneck in deciphering their biophysics. This is primarily due to the time …
significant bottleneck in deciphering their biophysics. This is primarily due to the time …
Solid-state NMR provides evidence for small-amplitude slow domain motions in a multispanning transmembrane α-helical protein
Proteins are dynamic entities and populate ensembles of conformations. Transitions
between states within a conformational ensemble occur over a broad spectrum of amplitude …
between states within a conformational ensemble occur over a broad spectrum of amplitude …
Orphan spin operators enable the acquisition of multiple 2D and 3D magic angle spinning solid-state NMR spectra
We propose a general method that enables the acquisition of multiple 2D and 3D solid-state
NMR spectra for U-13 C, 15 N-labeled proteins. This method, called MEIOSIS (Multiple …
NMR spectra for U-13 C, 15 N-labeled proteins. This method, called MEIOSIS (Multiple …