Moderate feminism within or against the neoliberal university? The example of Athena SWAN

C Tzanakou, R Pearce - Gender, Work & Organization, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This article argues that gender equality programmes in universities and colleges may
operate as a form of 'moderate feminism', producing contradictions through simultaneously …

Path shifting of the welfare state: Electoral competition and the expansion of work-family policies in Western Europe

KJ Morgan - World politics, 2013 -
What explains the surprising growth of work-family policies in several West European
countries? Much research on the welfare state emphasizes its institutional stickiness and …

[KNYGA][B] Working the spaces of power: Activism, neoliberalism and gendered labour

J Newman - 2012 -
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme
and is available on www. bloomsburycollections. com. This book highlights the way in which …

Universal Credit, gender and unpaid childcare: Mothers' accounts of the new welfare conditionality regime

K Andersen - Critical Social Policy, 2020 -
The introduction of Universal Credit, a new social assistance benefit for working age people
in the UK, constitutes radical welfare reform and entails a significant intensification and …

Poverty through a gender lens: Evidence and policy review on gender and poverty

F Bennett, M Daly - 2014 -
This review forms part of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's programme to develop a set of
evidence-based anti-poverty strategies for the UK. The remit was to identify and analyse …

Governing Britain

P Diamond - 2013 -
Number Ten Downing Street and the Cabinet Office are at the apex of power in British
government, but relatively little is known about the day-to-day functioning of these great …

[KNYGA][B] Welfare that works for women?: Mothers' experiences of the conditionality within universal credit

K Andersen - 2023 -
For generations, women have experienced disadvantage in the social security system. This
book analyses fresh empirical evidence which demonstrates the gendered impacts of the …

Work, welfare and gender inequalities: an analysis of activation strategies for partnered women in the UK, Australia and Denmark

J Ingold, D Etherington - Work, employment and society, 2013 -
In industrialized countries women have increasingly become a target group for active labour
market policies, or 'activation'. However, to date, the burgeoning literature on activation has …

Constructing the gendered body? A critical discourse analysis of gender equality schemes in the health sector in England

S Payne - Current Sociology, 2014 -
This article examines gender discourses embedded in gender equality policies in the health
sector. Gender mainstreaming was first adopted by a number of international and …

Investigating the economic determinants of the UK gender equality policy agenda

C Annesley, F Gains - The British Journal of Politics and …, 2013 -
Promoting certain kinds of gender equality—such as promoting and supporting female
participation in paid work or male engagement with unpaid care work—is costly. Yet, there …