Advances in global linear instability analysis of nonparallel and three-dimensional flows
V Theofilis - Progress in aerospace sciences, 2003 - Elsevier
A summary is presented of physical insights gained into three-dimensional linear instability
through solution of the two-dimensional partial-differential-equation-based nonsymmetric …
through solution of the two-dimensional partial-differential-equation-based nonsymmetric …
Thermal instability in Brinkman porous media with Cattaneo–Christov heat flux
SAM Haddad - International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2014 - Elsevier
We consider the thermal instability in a Brinkman porous media incorporating fluid inertia.
Both free–free and fixed–fixed boundaries are investigated. We have incorporated the …
Both free–free and fixed–fixed boundaries are investigated. We have incorporated the …
[КНИГА][B] Chebyshev and Fourier spectral methods
JP Boyd - 2001 -
Completely revised text focuses on use of spectral methods to solve boundary value,
eigenvalue, and time-dependent problems, but also covers Hermite, Laguerre, rational …
eigenvalue, and time-dependent problems, but also covers Hermite, Laguerre, rational …
Ss antman je marsden l. sirovich
JKHPHJ Keener, JKBJMA Mielke, CSPKR Sreenivasan - 2005 - Springer
The main purpose of this chapter is to give a derivation, which is mathematically precise,
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …
[КНИГА][B] Scientific computation
P Joly, A Quarteroni, J Rappaz - 2005 - Springer
Two decades ago when we wrote Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics (1988), the subject
was still fairly novel. Motivated by the many favorable comments we have received and the …
was still fairly novel. Motivated by the many favorable comments we have received and the …
[КНИГА][B] Stability and wave motion in porous media
B Straughan - 2008 -
This book presents an account of theories of? ow in porous media which have proved
tractable to analysis and computation. In particular, the t-ories of Darcy, Brinkman, and …
tractable to analysis and computation. In particular, the t-ories of Darcy, Brinkman, and …
Thermal convection with the Cattaneo–Christov model
B Straughan - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010 - Elsevier
We consider the problem of thermal convection in a horizontal layer of incompressible
Newtonian fluid with gravity acting downward. The constitutive equation for the heat flux is …
Newtonian fluid with gravity acting downward. The constitutive equation for the heat flux is …
Nonlinear stability for convection with temperature dependent viscosity in a Navier–Stokes–Voigt fluid
B Straughan - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2023 - Springer
We present a model for thermal convection in a Navier–Stokes–Voigt fluid when the
viscosity is a quadratic function of the temperature. Three different approaches to deriving …
viscosity is a quadratic function of the temperature. Three different approaches to deriving …
On the magnetohydrodynamic stability of channel flow of Navier–Stokes–Voigt fluid
The linear stability of a pressure-driven channel flow of an electrically conducting Navier–
Stokes–Voigt type of the viscoelastic fluid subject to a transverse magnetic field is …
Stokes–Voigt type of the viscoelastic fluid subject to a transverse magnetic field is …
Thermal convection in a higher-gradient Navier–Stokes fluid
B Straughan - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2023 - Springer
We discuss models for flow in a class of generalized Navier–Stokes equations. The work
concentrates on producing models for thermal convection, analysing these in detail, and …
concentrates on producing models for thermal convection, analysing these in detail, and …