Spectral efficient spatial modulation techniques
Space modulation techniques (SMTs) have emerged as promising candidates for spectral-
and energy-efficient wireless communication systems since they strike a good balance …
and energy-efficient wireless communication systems since they strike a good balance …
Single-carrier spatial modulation for the Internet of Things: Design and performance evaluation by using real compact and reconfigurable antennas
In this paper, for the first time, we propose two new solutions to boost the data rate between
small connected objects such as glasses and cams and the 5th generation (5G) mobile …
small connected objects such as glasses and cams and the 5th generation (5G) mobile …
[HTML][HTML] Real-time implementation of multiband spectrum sensing using SDR technology
Y Molina-Tenorio, A Prieto-Guerrero… - Sensors, 2021 - mdpi.com
In this work, a novel multiband spectrum sensing technique is implemented in the context of
cognitive radios. This technique is based on multiresolution analysis (wavelets), machine …
cognitive radios. This technique is based on multiresolution analysis (wavelets), machine …
A software-defined radar for low-altitude slow-moving small targets detection using transmit beam control
L Cai, H Qian, L **ng, Y Zou, L Qiu, Z Liu, S Tian, H Li - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Low-altitude slow-moving small (LSS) targets are defined as flying at altitudes less than
1000 m with speeds less than 55 m/s and a radar crossing-section (RCS) less than 2 m 2 …
1000 m with speeds less than 55 m/s and a radar crossing-section (RCS) less than 2 m 2 …
SDR implementation of a testbed for real-time interference detection with signal cancellation
Interference greatly affects the quality of service of wireless and satellite communications,
having also a financial impact for the telecommunication operators. Therefore, as the …
having also a financial impact for the telecommunication operators. Therefore, as the …
Cooperative multiband spectrum sensing using radio environment maps and neural networks
Y Molina-Tenorio, A Prieto-Guerrero… - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Cogitive radio networks (CRNs) require high capacity and accuracy to detect the presence
of licensed or primary users (PUs) in the sensed spectrum. In addition, they must correctly …
of licensed or primary users (PUs) in the sensed spectrum. In addition, they must correctly …
Performance analysis and software-defined implementation of real-time MIMO FSO with adaptive switching in GNU radio platform
In this paper, we provide the first software-based implementation of multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO) free space optical (FSO) link with the adaptive switching based on the …
output (MIMO) free space optical (FSO) link with the adaptive switching based on the …
Design and fabrication of a frequency and polarization reconfigurable microwave antenna on a printed partially magnetized ferrite substrate
Design of a polarization reconfigurable and frequency-tunable patch antenna operating in
the partially magnetized state of a ferrite substrate is presented in this communication. A low …
the partially magnetized state of a ferrite substrate is presented in this communication. A low …
Experimental real-time GbE MIMO FSO under fog conditions with software defined GNU radio platform-based adaptive switching
In this paper, we demonstrate the first, to our knowledge, experimental implementation of a
gigabit Ethernet multiple input single output free space optical (FSO) communications link …
gigabit Ethernet multiple input single output free space optical (FSO) communications link …
Real-time in-lab test of eigenvalue-based spectrum sensing using USRP RIO SDR boards
HB Thameur, I Dayoub - IEEE Communications Letters, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The diversity of prevailing and emerging cognitive radio (CR) applications makes CR an
attractive domain to the researchers as well as the industry. The spectrum sensing (SS) is …
attractive domain to the researchers as well as the industry. The spectrum sensing (SS) is …