Using Modified Canberra Distance as OFN Numbers Comparison Operator

JM Czerniak, J Baumgart, H Zarzycki… - … Workshop on Intuitionistic …, 2022 - Springer
This paper deals with the problem of fuzzy numbers comparison. There are a number of
approaches to solving this problem. The authors tried to successfully avoid solutions whose …

Model wektorowych skierowanych liczb rozmytych (vOFN)

J Czerniak, A Żak, B Marciniak - Fides, Ratio et …, 2023 -
Autorzy postawili sobie w artykule zadanie przedefiniowanie rachunku Ordered Fuzzy
Numbers wprowadzonego przez Witolda Kosińskiego. Przyczynkiem do zamieszczonych …

Fuzzy Mechanism for Data Transmission Adaptation

Ł Apiecionek, D Ewald, JM Czerniak… - International Workshop on …, 2022 - Springer
This paper presents the possibility of application mechanisms of artificial intelligence and
the protocol of parallel data transmission TCP for increasing the stability of information …

Review of Fuzzification Functionals Dedicated to OFN

D Ewald, JM Czerniak, J Baumgart… - International Workshop on …, 2022 - Springer
Ordered fuzzy numbers are a very useful idea when we try to describe the real world in a
natural human way. Terms such as “far or “near” are naturally understood by people …

Check for Fuzzy Mechanism for Data Transmission Adaptation Łukasz Apiecionek 9 ID

Ł Apiecionek - Uncertainty and Imprecision in Decision Making …, 2023 -
This paper presents the possibility of application mechanisms of artificial intelligence and
the protocol of parallel data transmission TCP for increasing the stability of information …

Review of Fuzzification Functionals Dedicated to OFN

H Zarzycki - Uncertainty and Imprecision in Decision Making and …, 2023 -
Ordered fuzzy numbers are a very useful idea when we try to describe the real world in a
natural human way. Terms such as “far or" near" are naturally understood by people …