Relative sea-level fall since the last interglacial stage: are coasts uplifting worldwide?
The growing interest in quantification of vertical ground motion stems from the need to
understand in detail how the Earth's crust behaves, for both scientific and social reasons …
understand in detail how the Earth's crust behaves, for both scientific and social reasons …
Coastal staircase sequences reflecting sea-level oscillations and tectonic uplift during the Quaternary and Neogene
Many coasts feature sequences of Quaternary and Neogene shorelines that are shaped by
a combination of sea-level oscillations and tectonics. We compiled a global synthesis of sea …
a combination of sea-level oscillations and tectonics. We compiled a global synthesis of sea …
[LIVRO][B] Introduction to coastal processes and geomorphology
R Davidson-Arnott, B Bauer, C Houser - 2019 -
Written for anyone interested in coastal geomorphology, this is the complete guide to the
processes at work on our coastlines and the resulting features seen in coastal systems …
processes at work on our coastlines and the resulting features seen in coastal systems …
[LIVRO][B] Quaternary sea-level changes: a global perspective
CV Murray-Wallace, CD Woodroffe - 2014 -
There have been significant changes in sea level over the past two million years, and a
complete understanding of natural cycles of change as well as anthropogenic effects is …
complete understanding of natural cycles of change as well as anthropogenic effects is …
Surface exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides
In the last decades surface exposure dating using cosmogenic nuclides has emerged as a
powerful tool in Quaternary geochronology and landscape evolution studies. Cosmogenic …
powerful tool in Quaternary geochronology and landscape evolution studies. Cosmogenic …
A review of current and emerging approaches for Quaternary marine sediment dating
Dating methodologies for Quaternary marine sediments play increasingly important roles in
the reconstruction of paleoenvironments and paleoclimate in (paleo) oceanography …
the reconstruction of paleoenvironments and paleoclimate in (paleo) oceanography …
Non-steady long-term uplift rates and Pleistocene marine terrace development along the Andean margin of Chile (31 S) inferred from 10Be dating
Pleistocene uplift of the Chilean coast is recorded by the formation of wave-cut platforms
resulting from marine erosion during sea-level highstands. In the Altos de Talinay area …
resulting from marine erosion during sea-level highstands. In the Altos de Talinay area …
Andean coastal uplift and active tectonics in southern Peru: 10Be surface exposure dating of differentially uplifted marine terrace sequences (San Juan de Marcona …
Along the San Juan de Marcona Bay of southern Peru, two spectacular sequences of
preserved marine terraces record net Quaternary uplift. Previous geomorphic analysis of …
preserved marine terraces record net Quaternary uplift. Previous geomorphic analysis of …
Renewed uplift of the Central Andes Forearc revealed by coastal evolution during the Quaternary
Most of the Pacific coast of the Central Andes, between 15° S and 30° S, display a wide (a
couple of kilometres) planar feature, gently dip** oceanwards and backed by a cliff. This …
couple of kilometres) planar feature, gently dip** oceanwards and backed by a cliff. This …
[HTML][HTML] Late Triassic to present-day tectono-thermal history of the coastal part of the Asturian basin: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration and for the North-Iberian …
H Uzkeda, J Poblet, M Bulnes - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2025 - Elsevier
Abstract The Asturian Basin, situated on the North Iberian margin, is a Permian-Mesozoic
extensional basin developed over a Variscan Palaeozoic basement, subsequently inverted …
extensional basin developed over a Variscan Palaeozoic basement, subsequently inverted …