Environmental psychology: An introduction
JIM De Groot - 2019 - books.google.com
The updated edition of the essential guide to environmental psychology Thoroughly revised
and updated, the second edition, Environmental Psychology: An Introduction offers an …
and updated, the second edition, Environmental Psychology: An Introduction offers an …
[HTML][HTML] Towards a unified theory of domestic hydrogen acceptance: an integrative, comparative review
Hydrogen energy technologies are envisioned to play a critical supporting role in global
decarbonisation. While low-carbon hydrogen is primarily targeted for reducing industrial …
decarbonisation. While low-carbon hydrogen is primarily targeted for reducing industrial …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainable consumption behavior of Europeans: The influence of environmental knowledge and risk perception on environmental concern and behavioral …
This study explores how environmental knowledge and risk perception influence individuals'
sustainable consumption behavior through the mediation of environmental concern and …
sustainable consumption behavior through the mediation of environmental concern and …
[КНИГА][B] Disasters: A sociological approach
K Tierney - 2019 - books.google.com
Disasters kill, maim, and generate increasingly large economic losses. But they do not
wreak their damage equally across populations, and every disaster has social dimensions at …
wreak their damage equally across populations, and every disaster has social dimensions at …
The effect of destination source credibility on tourist environmentally responsible behavior: An application of stimulus-organism-response theory
A lack of credibility in the tourism sector is becoming a social and environmental concern.
This article argues that destination source credibility as a destination-level stimulus can …
This article argues that destination source credibility as a destination-level stimulus can …
[КНИГА][B] Risk science: An introduction
Risk science is becoming increasingly important as businesses, policymakers and public
sector leaders are tasked with decision-making and investment using varying levels of …
sector leaders are tasked with decision-making and investment using varying levels of …
Emotions predict policy support: Why it matters how people feel about climate change
Current research shows that emotions can motivate climate engagement and action, but
precisely how has received scant attention. We propose that strong emotional responses to …
precisely how has received scant attention. We propose that strong emotional responses to …
On the relationship between personal experience, affect and risk perception: The case of climate change
S Van der Linden - European journal of social psychology, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Examining the conceptual relationship between personal experience, affect, and risk
perception is crucial in improving our understanding of how emotional and cognitive process …
perception is crucial in improving our understanding of how emotional and cognitive process …
Factors affecting hurricane evacuation intentions
Protective actions for hurricane threats are a function of the environmental and information
context; individual and household characteristics, including cultural worldviews, past …
context; individual and household characteristics, including cultural worldviews, past …
[HTML][HTML] Trust in science as a possible mediator between different antecedents and COVID-19 booster vaccination intention: an integration of health belief model (HBM …
As the literature highlights, many health behavior theories try to explain both social and
psychological variables influencing an individual's health behavior. This study integrates …
psychological variables influencing an individual's health behavior. This study integrates …