The gravel-sand transition and grain size gap in river bed sediments
River bed sediments typically fine downstream, where fining of median grain sizes are often
described as exponential, except where fine gravel abruptly transitions to sand. Across the …
described as exponential, except where fine gravel abruptly transitions to sand. Across the …
Resilience of river deltas in the Anthropocene
At a global scale, delta morphologies are subject to rapid change as a result of direct and
indirect effects of human activity. This jeopardizes the ecosystem services of deltas …
indirect effects of human activity. This jeopardizes the ecosystem services of deltas …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change impacts on streamflow, sediment load and carbon fluxes in the Lena River delta
Water and sediment supply are essential to the health of deltaic ecosystems. Diverse
datasets were integrated to better understand how climate change is shifting the supply of …
datasets were integrated to better understand how climate change is shifting the supply of …
The Selenga River delta: a geochemical barrier protecting Lake Baikal waters
Abstract The protection of Lake Baikal and the planning of water management measures in
the Selenga River Basin require a comprehensive understanding of the current state and …
the Selenga River Basin require a comprehensive understanding of the current state and …
Autogenic formation of bimodal grain size distributions in rivers and its contribution to gravel‐sand transitions
Riverbeds often fine downstream, with a gravel‐bedded reach, a relatively abrupt gravel‐
sand transition (GST), and a sand‐bedded reach. Underlying this behavior, bed grain size …
sand transition (GST), and a sand‐bedded reach. Underlying this behavior, bed grain size …
[HTML][HTML] North to south variations in the suspended sediment transport budget within large Siberian river deltas revealed by remote sensing data
This study presents detailed suspended sediment budget for the four Siberian river deltas,
representing contrasting conditions between Northern and Southern environments. Two of …
representing contrasting conditions between Northern and Southern environments. Two of …
The stratigraphically preserved signature of persistent backwater dynamics in a large paleodelta system: The Mungaroo Formation, North West Shelf, Australia
As large, deep rivers enter their coastal reaches, they are usually affected by a lengthy
backwater zone. Recent studies have demonstrated pronounced geomorphic effects, such …
backwater zone. Recent studies have demonstrated pronounced geomorphic effects, such …
Predicting water and sediment partitioning in a delta channel network under varying discharge conditions
Channel bifurcations control the distribution of water and sediment in deltas, and the routing
of these materials facilitates land building in coastal regions. Yet few practical methods exist …
of these materials facilitates land building in coastal regions. Yet few practical methods exist …
Dimensionless argument: a narrow grain size range near 2 mm plays a special role in river sediment transport and morphodynamics
The grain size 2 mm is the conventional border between sand and gravel. This size is used
extensively, and generally without much physical justification, to discriminate between such …
extensively, and generally without much physical justification, to discriminate between such …
Advance, retreat, and halt of abrupt gravel‐sand transitions in alluvial rivers
Downstream fining of bed sediment in alluvial rivers is usually gradual, but often an abrupt
decrease in characteristic grain size occurs from about 10 to 1 mm, ie, a gravel‐sand …
decrease in characteristic grain size occurs from about 10 to 1 mm, ie, a gravel‐sand …