Recent progress on phase engineering of nanomaterials
As a key structural parameter, phase depicts the arrangement of atoms in materials.
Normally, a nanomaterial exists in its thermodynamically stable crystal phase. With the …
Normally, a nanomaterial exists in its thermodynamically stable crystal phase. With the …
State of the art and prospects for halide perovskite nanocrystals
Metal-halide perovskites have rapidly emerged as one of the most promising materials of the
21st century, with many exciting properties and great potential for a broad range of …
21st century, with many exciting properties and great potential for a broad range of …
Understanding instability in formamidinium lead halide perovskites: kinetics of transformative reactions at grain and subgrain boundaries
Transformative and reconstructive reactions impart significant structural changes at particle
boundaries of hybrid perovskites, which influence environmental stability and optoelectronic …
boundaries of hybrid perovskites, which influence environmental stability and optoelectronic …
Phase transitions and anion exchange in all-inorganic halide perovskites
Conspectus A new generation of semiconducting materials based on metal halide
perovskites has recently been launched into the scientific spotlight, exhibiting outstanding …
perovskites has recently been launched into the scientific spotlight, exhibiting outstanding …
Kinetic pathway of γ-to-δ phase transition in CsPbI3
All-inorganic photoactive CsPbI 3 perovskites easily transform into a photo-inactive non-
perovskite phase, but the transition kinetics at the atomic level are currently unknown. In this …
perovskite phase, but the transition kinetics at the atomic level are currently unknown. In this …
Trojans That Flip the Black Phase: Impurity-Driven Stabilization and Spontaneous Strain Suppression in γ-CsPbI3 Perovskite
The technological progress and widespread adoption of all-organic CsPbI3 perovskite
devices is hampered by its thermodynamic instability at room temperature. Because of its …
devices is hampered by its thermodynamic instability at room temperature. Because of its …
[HTML][HTML] Learning intermolecular forces at liquid–vapor interfaces
By adopting a perspective informed by contemporary liquid-state theory, we consider how to
train an artificial neural network potential to describe inhomogeneous, disordered systems …
train an artificial neural network potential to describe inhomogeneous, disordered systems …
Kinetics of moisture-induced phase transformation in inorganic halide perovskite
The high-temperature (high-T) phase of cesium lead iodide (CsPbI 3) presents great
promise for photovoltaic applications; however, exposure to ambient moisture at room …
promise for photovoltaic applications; however, exposure to ambient moisture at room …
Over 2 A cm−2 CO2‐to‐Ethanol Conversion by Alkali‐Metal Cation Induced Copper With Dominant (200) Facets
The high‐rate ethanol electrosynthesis from CO2 is challenging due to the low selectivity
and poor activity, which requires the competition with other reduction products and H2. Here …
and poor activity, which requires the competition with other reduction products and H2. Here …
Interfaces in metal halide perovskites probed by solid-state NMR spectroscopy
Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are promising light harvesting and emitting materials that
have enabled solar energy conversion efficiencies of over 25% in solution-processed single …
have enabled solar energy conversion efficiencies of over 25% in solution-processed single …