A meta-analysis of sex differences in human navigation skills

A Nazareth, X Huang, D Voyer… - Psychonomic bulletin & …, 2019 - Springer
There are inconsistent reports regarding behavioral sex differences in the human navigation
literature. This meta-analysis quantifies the overall magnitude of sex differences in large …

What determines our navigational abilities?

T Wolbers, M Hegarty - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2010 - cell.com
The ability to find one's way in our complex environments represents one of the most
fundamental cognitive functions. Although involving basic perceptual and memory related …

The impact of spatial scale on layout learning and individual evacuation behavior in indoor fires: single-scale learning perspectives

J Zhu, P Dang, J Zhang, Y Cao, J Wu, W Li… - International Journal …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The detail and representation of a spatial layout varies with scale. This affects an individual's
learning effectiveness and understanding, in turn directly influencing their behavior in a fire …

[КНИГА][B] Learning to think spatially

National Research Council, Division on Earth… - 2005 - books.google.com
Learning to Think Spatially examines how spatial thinking might be incorporated into
existing standards-based instruction across the school curriculum. Spatial thinking must be …

Spatial abilities at different scales: Individual differences in aptitude-test performance and spatial-layout learning

M Hegarty, DR Montello, AE Richardson, T Ishikawa… - Intelligence, 2006 - Elsevier
Most psychometric tests of spatial ability are paper-and-pencil tasks at the “figural” scale of
space, in that they involve inspecting, imagining or mentally transforming small shapes or …

Individual differences in spatial abilities

M Hegarty, D Waller - The Cambridge handbook of visuospatial …, 2005 - books.google.com
This chapter reviews research on spatial abilities, which is concerned with individual
differences in how people mentally represent and manipulate spatial information to perform …

Spatial knowledge acquisition from direct experience in the environment: Individual differences in the development of metric knowledge and the integration of …

T Ishikawa, DR Montello - Cognitive psychology, 2006 - Elsevier
Existing frameworks for explaining spatial knowledge acquisition in a new environment
propose either stage-like or continuous development. To examine the spatial microgenesis …

Sex differences in spatial cognition: Advancing the conversation

SC Levine, A Foley, S Lourenco… - Wiley Interdisciplinary …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The existence of a sex difference in spatial thinking, notably on tasks involving mental
rotation, has been a topic of considerable research and debate. We review this literature …

Variations in cognitive maps: understanding individual differences in navigation.

SM Weisberg, VR Schinazi, NS Newcombe… - Journal of …, 2014 - psycnet.apa.org
There are marked individual differences in the formation of cognitive maps both in the real
world and in virtual environments (VE; eg, Blajenkova, Motes, & Kozhevnikov, 2005; Chai & …

[КНИГА][B] Gender development

JEO Blakemore, SA Berenbaum, LS Liben - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This text offers a unique developmental focus on gender. Gender development is examined
from infancy through adolescence, integrating biological, socialization, and cognitive …