[HTML][HTML] Stakeholders' stake and relation to smartness in smart city development: Insights from a Swedish city planning project

K Axelsson, M Granath - Government Information Quarterly, 2018 - Elsevier
Many of today's city planning projects aim to realize smart city ambitions. In order to plan and
build a smart city district, where ICT is integrated in critical infrastructure and used to control …

[CARTE][B] Stakeholder Engagement for Service Design How Service Designers Identify and Communicate Insights

F Segelström - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Service design is a field emerging from the new-found interest in services as a
design material by practitioners and academics of the human-centred design tradition. As …

Exploring User Participation Practice in Public E‑Service Development–Why, How and in Whose Interest?

J Holgersson, U Melin, I Lindgren… - Electronic Journal of …, 2018 - academic-publishing.org
User participation is seen as an important enabler for successful public e‑service
development. However, at the same time development of public e‑services is still often …

Legitimate E-Government--Public E-Services as a facilitator of political legitimacy

E Wihlborg - 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper addresses the critical issue of legitimacy in relation to e-government by focusing
on public e-services to citizens. The discussion is framed through a tentative model on how …

Stakeholder views of process automation as an enabler of prioritized value ideals in a Swedish municipality

D Toll, I Lindgren, U Melin - JeDEM-eJournal of eDemocracy and Open …, 2022 - jedem.org
Municipalities in Sweden are recommended to pursue process automation to face upcoming
societal challenges. This paper focuses on a case where these recommendations are …

Improving the use of public e-services through explainability

MC Fahr, M Förster, L Moestue, J Brasse, J Klier… - Journal of Business …, 2024 - Springer
Despite an omnipresent call for public e-services, the potential of digitalization in the public
sector is still untapped. A promising means to increase the use of public e-services may be …

Stakeholder involvement in public e-service development–broadening the scope of user involvement

I Lindgren - Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, 2014 - ebooks.iospress.nl
This paper investigates if user involvement (UI) theory and theory on stakeholder theory (ST)
can be merged to form a new theoretical entity that can inform whose voice should be heard …

User Participation In Public e-service Development: Guidelines for including external users

J Holgersson - 2014 - diva-portal.org
Public e-services are increasingly being used by public administrations as a way of
interacting and communicating with citizens and business organisations. However, public …

Inter-organizational public e-service development: emerging lessons from an inside-out perspective

MT Christiansson, K Axelsson, U Melin - International Conference on …, 2015 - Springer
E-service development has grown to become a daily practice in most public organizations
as a means for realizing digital agendas and e-government initiatives on different levels …

Adapting official archives management to the context of e-government

AS Klareld - 2015 - diva-portal.org
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to study how the concept" middle archive" is related to
the Swedish archival theory and practice, by exploring its background and its practical and …