[КНИГА][B] What comes after entanglement?: Activism, anthropocentrism, and an ethics of exclusion

EH Giraud - 2019 - books.google.com
By foregrounding the ways that human existence is bound together with the lives of other
entities, contemporary cultural theorists have sought to move beyond an anthropocentric …

On geography and encounter: Bodies, borders, and difference

HF Wilson - Progress in Human Geography, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The notion of encounter has been used widely within work on urban diversity and socio-
cultural difference, yet it remains under-theorized. This paper argues that 'encounter'is a …

Actor-network theory: Trials, trails and translations

M Michael - 2016 - torrossa.com
Not so long ago, I ran a postgraduate workshop on Actor-Network Theory (henceforth ANT).
An introductory overview had been specifically requested by students, many of whom did not …

[КНИГА][B] Decolonizing place in early childhood education

F Nxumalo - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This book draws attention to the urgent need for early childhood education to critically
encounter and pedagogically respond to the entanglements of environmentally damaged …

Designing for cohabitation: Naturecultures, hybrids, and decentering the human in design

N Smith, S Bardzell, J Bardzell - … of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Recent research in urban informatics has presented the city as both a complex technological
center and a diverse cultural, social, and political entity. However, there has been little …

Decentring the human in multispecies ethnographies

V Pacini-Ketchabaw, A Taylor, M Blaise - Posthuman research practices in …, 2016 - Springer
Much has been written about the need to bridge the theory/practice divide by bringing them
together in the 'praxis' of teaching. For researchers inspired by posthumanist theorizations …

(Dis) entangling Barad: Materialisms and ethics

G Hollin, I Forsyth, E Giraud… - Social Studies of …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
In the wake of the widespread uptake of and debate surrounding the work of Karen Barad,
this article revisits her core conceptual contributions. We offer descriptions, elaborations …

Food geographies I: Relational foodscapes and the busy-ness of being more-than-food

MK Goodman - Progress in Human Geography, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
The study of foodscapes has spread throughout geography at the same time as food
scholarship has spearheaded post-disciplinary research. This report argues that …

Intimate Entanglements: Affects, more-than-human intimacies and the politics of relations in science and technology

J Latimer, D López Gómez - The Sociological Review, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
This article introduces Intimate Entanglements by proposing three interrelated shifts that
result from juxtaposing experiences with different world-making practices at the intersection …

[КНИГА][B] Critical animal geographies

K Gillespie, RC Collard - 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The cow lies on the manure-covered floor of a holding pen at the dairy market sale behind a
farmed animal auction yard in California's Central Valley. Her past as a typical dairy …