Towards felicitous decision making: An overview on challenges and trends of Big Data
Abstract The era of Big Data has arrived along with large volume, complex and growing data
generated by many distinct sources. Nowadays, nearly every aspect of the modern society is …
generated by many distinct sources. Nowadays, nearly every aspect of the modern society is …
A survey of Twitter research: Data model, graph structure, sentiment analysis and attacks
Twitter is the third most popular worldwide Online Social Network (OSN) after Facebook and
Instagram. Compared to other OSNs, it has a simple data model and a straightforward data …
Instagram. Compared to other OSNs, it has a simple data model and a straightforward data …
Rtbust: Exploiting temporal patterns for botnet detection on twitter
Within OSNs, many of our supposedly online friends may instead be fake accounts called
social bots, part of large groups that purposely re-share targeted content. Here, we study …
social bots, part of large groups that purposely re-share targeted content. Here, we study …
Twitter turing test: Identifying social machines
Many machine-controlled Twitter accounts (also called “Sybils”) are created each day to
provide services, flood out messages for astroturf political campaigns, write fake product …
provide services, flood out messages for astroturf political campaigns, write fake product …
Towards detecting fake user accounts in facebook
A Gupta, R Kaushal - 2017 ISEA Asia Security and Privacy …, 2017 -
People are highly dependent on online social networks (OSNs) which have attracted the
interest of cyber criminals for carrying out a number of malicious activities. An entire industry …
interest of cyber criminals for carrying out a number of malicious activities. An entire industry …
An exploratory study of twitter messages about software applications
Users of the Twitter microblogging platform share a considerable amount of information
through short messages on a daily basis. Some of these so-called tweets discuss issues …
through short messages on a daily basis. Some of these so-called tweets discuss issues …
If it looks like a spammer and behaves like a spammer, it must be a spammer: analysis and detection of microblogging spam accounts
Spam in online social networks (OSNs) is a systemic problem that imposes a threat to these
services in terms of undermining their value to advertisers and potential investors, as well as …
services in terms of undermining their value to advertisers and potential investors, as well as …
Mobile communication signatures of unemployment
The map** of populations socio-economic well-being is highly constrained by the logistics
of censuses and surveys. Consequently, spatially detailed changes across scales of days …
of censuses and surveys. Consequently, spatially detailed changes across scales of days …
Tsd: Detecting sybil accounts in twitter
Fake identities and user accounts (also called" Sybils") in online communities represent
today a treasure for adversaries to spread fake product reviews, malware and spam on …
today a treasure for adversaries to spread fake product reviews, malware and spam on …
Identifying risky vendors in cryptocurrency p2p marketplaces
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) cryptocurrency exchanges are two-sided marketplaces, similar to eBay,
where individuals can offer to sell cryptocurrencies in exchange for payment. Due to …
where individuals can offer to sell cryptocurrencies in exchange for payment. Due to …