The development of active optical clock
The atomic clocks, whether operating at optical or microwave region, can be divided into two
categories according to their working mode, namely the passive clocks and active clocks …
categories according to their working mode, namely the passive clocks and active clocks …
Cavity-mediated collective spin-exchange interactions in a strontium superradiant laser
Laser-cooled and quantum degenerate atoms are being pursued as quantum simulators
and form the basis of today's most precise sensors. A key challenge toward these goals is to …
and form the basis of today's most precise sensors. A key challenge toward these goals is to …
Superradiance on the millihertz linewidth strontium clock transition
Laser frequency noise contributes a significant limitation to today's best atomic clocks. A
proposed solution to this problem is to create a superradiant laser using an optical clock …
proposed solution to this problem is to create a superradiant laser using an optical clock …
Synchronization of two ensembles of atoms
We propose a system for observing the correlated phase dynamics of two mesoscopic
ensembles of atoms through their collective coupling to an optical cavity. We find a …
ensembles of atoms through their collective coupling to an optical cavity. We find a …
Observing dynamical phases of BCS superconductors in a cavity QED simulator
Abstract In conventional Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer superconductors, electrons with
opposite momenta bind into Cooper pairs due to an attractive interaction mediated by …
opposite momenta bind into Cooper pairs due to an attractive interaction mediated by …
Cold-strontium laser in the superradiant crossover regime
Today's narrowest linewidth lasers are limited by mirror motion in the reference optical
resonator used to stabilize the laser's frequency. Recent proposals suggest that …
resonator used to stabilize the laser's frequency. Recent proposals suggest that …
Dissipative superradiant spin amplifier for enhanced quantum sensing
Quantum metrology protocols exploiting ensembles of N two-level systems and Ramsey-
style measurements are ubiquitous. However, in many cases excess readout noise severely …
style measurements are ubiquitous. However, in many cases excess readout noise severely …
Active optical frequency standards using cold atoms: perspectives and challenges
We consider various approaches to the creation of a high-stability active optical frequency
standard, where the atomic ensemble itself produces a highly stable and accurate frequency …
standard, where the atomic ensemble itself produces a highly stable and accurate frequency …
A superradiant clock laser on a magic wavelength optical lattice
An ideal superradiant laser on an optical clock transition of noninteracting cold atoms is
predicted to exhibit an extreme frequency stability and accuracy far below mHz-linewidth. In …
predicted to exhibit an extreme frequency stability and accuracy far below mHz-linewidth. In …
Conditional ramsey spectroscopy with synchronized atoms
We investigate Ramsey spectroscopy performed on a synchronized ensemble of two-level
atoms. The synchronization is induced by the collective coupling of the atoms to a heavily …
atoms. The synchronization is induced by the collective coupling of the atoms to a heavily …