Monodisperse colloidal spheres with a high refractive index: their synthesis, assembly and application in structural colored materials
T Yu, J Bi, W Wei, X Su - Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Due to photonic bandgaps (PBGs) for tuning the luminescence of light emitters together with
metallic and fadeless structural colors, photonic crystals (PCs) have been considered as …
metallic and fadeless structural colors, photonic crystals (PCs) have been considered as …
Ordered hybrid micro/nanostructures and their optical applications
Recent advances in manufacturing and technology of ordered hybrid micro/nanostructures
have acquired many breakthroughs. With the aid of the cooperation of various materials, the …
have acquired many breakthroughs. With the aid of the cooperation of various materials, the …
Interference Lithography‐Based Fabrication of 3D Metallic Mesostructures on Reflective Substrates using Electrodeposition‐Compatible Anti‐Reflection Coatings for …
A nanostructured copper oxide (nCO) coating which can be electrochemically reduced to
copper metal is demonstrated as an anti‐reflection coating, enabling interference …
copper metal is demonstrated as an anti‐reflection coating, enabling interference …
Double gyroids for frequency-isolated Weyl points in the visible regime and interference lithographic design
Easy-to-craft photonic crystals enabling frequency-isolated Weyl points, especially at visible
wavelengths, are yet to be developed. To this end, we exploited double gyroid (DG) crystals …
wavelengths, are yet to be developed. To this end, we exploited double gyroid (DG) crystals …
Advances in the construction of photonic structures with dual stopbands and beyond
Photonic structures have wide applications in a variety of fields. Self-assembly of building
blocks, including block copolymers, homopolymers, liquid crystals, and colloidal particles …
blocks, including block copolymers, homopolymers, liquid crystals, and colloidal particles …
Defect mode passband lasing in self-assembled photonic crystal
Up to now colloidal photonic crystal (CPC) lasers essentially relied on photonic band gap
edge effects, as a consequence of the poor passband quality achieved by previously …
edge effects, as a consequence of the poor passband quality achieved by previously …
Template‐directed solidification of eutectic optical materials
Mesostructured materials can exhibit enhanced light–matter interactions, which can become
particularly strong when the characteristic dimensions of the structure are similar to or …
particularly strong when the characteristic dimensions of the structure are similar to or …
Tunable Antireflection Coating to Remove Index‐Matching Requirement for Interference Lithography
Interference lithography is a flexible technique for creating 3D periodic nano‐and
microstructures that can be used to make a wide variety of crystal lattices, but as it is found …
microstructures that can be used to make a wide variety of crystal lattices, but as it is found …
Toward the realization of subsurface volumetric integrated optical systems
Next generation mobile devices and computing architectures would benefit from ultra-high
bandwidth technologies that efficiently transport and process optical signals. Subsurface …
bandwidth technologies that efficiently transport and process optical signals. Subsurface …
Large area three‐dimensional photonic crystal membranes: single‐run fabrication and applications with embedded planar defects
Three‐dimensional photonic crystals (3D PhCs) enable light manipulations in all three
spatial dimensions, however, real world applications are still faced with challenges in …
spatial dimensions, however, real world applications are still faced with challenges in …