Evaluation and management of pelvic organ prolapse

R Raju, BJ Linder - Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common clinical entity that can have a significant impact on
a patient's quality of life secondary to symptoms of pelvic pressure, vaginal bulge, urinary …

Robotic-assisted repair of pelvic organ prolapse: a sco** review of the literature

JS Schachar, CA Matthews - Translational andrology and …, 2020‏ - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The purpose of this article is to perform a sco** review of the medical literature regarding
the efficacy, safety, and cost of robotic-assisted procedures for repair of pelvic organ …

[HTML][HTML] First report comparing the two types of single-incision robotic sacrocolpopexy: single site using the da Vinci ** or Si system and single port using the da Vinci …

SR Lee, A Roh, K Jeong, SH Kim, HD Chae… - Taiwanese Journal of …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Objective The gold standard procedure for treating patients with apical pelvic organ
prolapse (POP) is sacrocolpopexy. However, no report comparing the two types of single …

Comparison of efficacy between laparoscopic pectopexy and laparoscopic high uterosacral ligament suspension in the treatment of apical prolapse-short term results

J Peng, S Li, L Wang, L Yang, M Nai, Q Xu, Y **… - Scientific Reports, 2023‏ - nature.com
To compare the clinical efficacy of laparoscopic pectopexy and laparoscopic high
uterosacral ligament suspension in women suffering from apical prolapse. The clinical data …

A comparison of perioperative outcomes, readmission, and reoperation for sacrospinous ligament fixation, uterosacral ligament suspension, and minimally invasive …

GS Yadav, N Gaddam, DD Rahn - Urogynecology, 2021‏ - journals.lww.com
Objectives Sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF), uterosacral ligament suspension (USLS),
and minimally invasive sacrocolpopexy (MISC) are common routes for vaginal apical …

Perioperative outcomes of vesicovaginal fistula repair by surgical approach

FA Jefferson, KT Hanson, MO Robinson… - …, 2024‏ - journals.lww.com
Study Design The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement
Program database was used to identify women who underwent transvaginal …

National analysis of perioperative morbidity of vaginal versus laparoscopic hysterectomy at the time of uterosacral ligament suspension

GC Chapman, EA Slopnick, K Roberts, D Sheyn… - Journal of Minimally …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
ABSTRACT Study Objective The objective of this study was to compare the morbidity of
vaginal versus laparoscopic hysterectomy when performed with uterosacral ligament …

Trends in the diagnosis and management of combined rectal and vaginal pelvic organ prolapse

JM Speed, CA Zhang, B Gurland, E Enemchukwu - Urology, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Objective To examine the rates of surgical repair of comorbid rectal prolapse (RP) and pelvic
organ prolapse (POP) over time in a large population-based cohort. Materials and Methods …

Single-center study for robotic-assisted laparoscopic sacropexies: a one-fits-all strategy for pelvic organ prolapse?

P Mach, C Kaufold, P Rusch, R Kimmig… - Archives of Gynecology …, 2022‏ - Springer
Purpose Sarcopenia has been established as the “gold standard” for the treatment of pelvic
organ prolapse (POP). Minimal invasive laparoscopy can help to reduce the risks of open …

Temporal trends of urogynecologic mesh reports to the US Food and Drug Administration

JC Sassani, AM Artsen, PA Moalli… - Obstetrics & …, 2020‏ - journals.lww.com
OBJECTIVE: To compare temporal trends of urogynecologic mesh medical device reports
with sentinel US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) notices and to examine all linked …