Character displacement: ecological and reproductive responses to a common evolutionary problem
Character displacement is the process by which traits evolve in response to selection to
lessen resource competition or reproductive interactions between species. Although …
lessen resource competition or reproductive interactions between species. Although …
Genetic assimilation: a review of its potential proximate causes and evolutionary consequences
Background Most, if not all, organisms possess the ability to alter their phenotype in direct
response to changes in their environment, a phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity …
response to changes in their environment, a phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity …
A mother's legacy: the strength of maternal effects in animal populations
Although mothers influence the traits of their offspring in many ways beyond the
transmission of genes, it remains unclear how important such 'maternal effects' are to …
transmission of genes, it remains unclear how important such 'maternal effects' are to …
[PDF][PDF] Buying time: Plasticity and population persistence
As the environment changes, populations can respond by adapting via evolutionary change.
If the rate or magnitude of environmental change is too great for evolution to keep pace, then …
If the rate or magnitude of environmental change is too great for evolution to keep pace, then …
Character displacement and the origins of diversity
In The Origin of Species, Darwin proposed his principle of divergence of character (a
process now termed “character displacement”) to explain how new species arise and why …
process now termed “character displacement”) to explain how new species arise and why …
Phenotypic plasticity, canalization, and the origins of novelty: evidence and mechanisms from amphibians
A growing number of biologists have begun asking whether environmentally induced
phenotypic change––'phenotypic plasticity'––precedes and facilitates the origin and …
phenotypic change––'phenotypic plasticity'––precedes and facilitates the origin and …
Effects of competition on phylogenetic signal and phenotypic plasticity in plant functional traits
Recent studies of communities have examined phylogenetic signal in species' functional
traits to infer drivers of community assembly. Phenotypic variation in traits, arising from …
traits to infer drivers of community assembly. Phenotypic variation in traits, arising from …
Niche specialization influences adaptive phenotypic plasticity in the threespine stickleback
Phenotypic plasticity may be favored in generalist populations if it increases niche width,
even in temporally constant environments. Phenotypic plasticity can increase the frequency …
even in temporally constant environments. Phenotypic plasticity can increase the frequency …
Diet and hormonal manipulation reveal cryptic genetic variation: implications for the evolution of novel feeding strategies
When experiencing resource competition or abrupt environmental change, animals often
must transition rapidly from an ancestral diet to a novel, derived diet. Yet, little is known …
must transition rapidly from an ancestral diet to a novel, derived diet. Yet, little is known …
Resource polyphenism increases species richness: a test of the hypothesis
A major goal of evolutionary biology is to identify the causes of diversification and to
ascertain why some evolutionary lineages are especially diverse. Evolutionary biologists …
ascertain why some evolutionary lineages are especially diverse. Evolutionary biologists …