An interdisciplinary approach to primary school mathematics and science learning
Against a backdrop of advocacy for interdisciplinary STEM curricula, this paper explores the
design principles underpinning a three-year longitudinal research project that develops and …
design principles underpinning a three-year longitudinal research project that develops and …
Inquiring into the nature of STEM problems: Implications for pre-college education
J Pleasants - Science & Education, 2020 - Springer
Around the world, there is a growing interest in integrated STEM (science, technology,
engineering, mathematics) education. Many of the calls for integrated STEM emphasize the …
engineering, mathematics) education. Many of the calls for integrated STEM emphasize the …
Opportunities and hindrances for promoting interdisciplinary learning in schools
Background Influential philosophers have suggested that interdisciplinarity is crucial for
ecosystem management and scientific practice, and for education to democracy. However, a …
ecosystem management and scientific practice, and for education to democracy. However, a …
What should a Chinese top-level design in STEM Education look like?
B Zhong, X Liu, Z Zhan, Q Ke, F Wang - Humanities and Social …, 2022 - nature.com
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has been dedicated to meeting
future workforce demands and reinforcing the nation's core competitiveness in the global …
future workforce demands and reinforcing the nation's core competitiveness in the global …
Conceptual connections between science and engineering in elementary teachers' unit plans
Background Around the world, efforts are underway to include engineering design as part of
elementary science instruction. A common rationale for those efforts is that Engineering …
elementary science instruction. A common rationale for those efforts is that Engineering …
Elementary teachers' verbal supports of science and engineering practices in an NGSS‐aligned science, engineering, and computational thinking unit
Contemporary science education frameworks identify computational thinking as an essential
science and engineering practice that supports scientific sense‐making and engineering …
science and engineering practice that supports scientific sense‐making and engineering …
Understanding barriers to school-wide computational thinking integration at the elementary grades: Lessons from three schools
This mixed methods study examined barriers faced by three elementary schools in their
approaches to integrating computational thinking (CT) into classroom instruction. Because …
approaches to integrating computational thinking (CT) into classroom instruction. Because …
The impact of STEM curriculum on students' engineering design abilities and attitudes toward STEM
While it has been recognized that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) education requires an interdisciplinary approach, integrating multiple subjects in a …
(STEM) education requires an interdisciplinary approach, integrating multiple subjects in a …
[PDF][PDF] Pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan pendekatan stem (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) untuk pemahaman konsep dan keterampilan …
Argumentation is an important activity in scientific exploration which has been agreed as a
major component in science education. Quality argumentation skills are formed with the …
major component in science education. Quality argumentation skills are formed with the …
What is the role of statistics in integrating STEM education?
Statistics has the potential to facilitate the integration of STEM disciplines. This is possible
due to its inclusion in individual STEM curricula and its utility in designing learning …
due to its inclusion in individual STEM curricula and its utility in designing learning …