A comprehensive survey on source-free domain adaptation
Over the past decade, domain adaptation has become a widely studied branch of transfer
learning which aims to improve performance on target domains by leveraging knowledge …
learning which aims to improve performance on target domains by leveraging knowledge …
Causality inspired representation learning for domain generalization
Abstract Domain generalization (DG) is essentially an out-of-distribution problem, aiming to
generalize the knowledge learned from multiple source domains to an unseen target …
generalize the knowledge learned from multiple source domains to an unseen target …
Reusing the task-specific classifier as a discriminator: Discriminator-free adversarial domain adaptation
Adversarial learning has achieved remarkable performances for unsupervised domain
adaptation (UDA). Existing adversarial UDA methods typically adopt an additional …
adaptation (UDA). Existing adversarial UDA methods typically adopt an additional …
Source-free unsupervised domain adaptation: Current research and future directions
In the field of Transfer Learning, Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFUDA)
emerges as a practical and novel task that enables a pre-trained model to adapt to a new …
emerges as a practical and novel task that enables a pre-trained model to adapt to a new …
Divide and contrast: Source-free domain adaptation via adaptive contrastive learning
We investigate a practical domain adaptation task, called source-free domain adaptation
(SFUDA), where the source pretrained model is adapted to the target domain without access …
(SFUDA), where the source pretrained model is adapted to the target domain without access …
Active learning for domain adaptation: An energy-based approach
Unsupervised domain adaptation has recently emerged as an effective paradigm for
generalizing deep neural networks to new target domains. However, there is still enormous …
generalizing deep neural networks to new target domains. However, there is still enormous …
Divergence-agnostic unsupervised domain adaptation by adversarial attacks
Conventional machine learning algorithms suffer the problem that the model trained on
existing data fails to generalize well to the data sampled from other distributions. To tackle …
existing data fails to generalize well to the data sampled from other distributions. To tackle …
Semantic concentration for domain adaptation
Abstract Domain adaptation (DA) paves the way for label annotation and dataset bias issues
by the knowledge transfer from a label-rich source domain to a related but unlabeled target …
by the knowledge transfer from a label-rich source domain to a related but unlabeled target …
Class relationship embedded learning for source-free unsupervised domain adaptation
This work focuses on a practical knowledge transfer task defined as Source-Free
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFUDA), where only a well-trained source model and …
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFUDA), where only a well-trained source model and …
Deliberated domain bridging for domain adaptive semantic segmentation
In unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA), directly adapting from the source to the target
domain usually suffers significant discrepancies and leads to insufficient alignment. Thus …
domain usually suffers significant discrepancies and leads to insufficient alignment. Thus …