An introduction to the Ogden model in biomechanics: benefits, implementation tools and limitations
Constitutive models are important to biomechanics for two key reasons. First, constitutive
modelling is an essential component of characterizing tissues' mechanical properties for …
modelling is an essential component of characterizing tissues' mechanical properties for …
Review of in silico models of cerebral blood flow in health and pathology
In this review, we provide a summary of the state-of-the-art in the in silico modelling of
cerebral blood flow (CBF) and its application in in silico clinical trials. CBF plays a key role in …
cerebral blood flow (CBF) and its application in in silico clinical trials. CBF plays a key role in …
Blood clot fracture properties are dependent on red blood cell and fibrin content
Thrombus fragmentation during endovascular stroke treatment, such as mechanical
thrombectomy, leads to downstream emboli, resulting in poor clinical outcomes. Clinical …
thrombectomy, leads to downstream emboli, resulting in poor clinical outcomes. Clinical …
Hyperelasticity of blood clots: Bridging the gap between microscopic and continuum scales
The biomechanical properties of blood clots, which are dictated by their compositions and
micro-structures, play a critical role in determining their fates, ie, occlusion, persistency, or …
micro-structures, play a critical role in determining their fates, ie, occlusion, persistency, or …
In vitro and in silico modeling of endovascular stroke treatments for acute ischemic stroke
Acute ischemic stroke occurs when a thrombus obstructs a cerebral artery, leading to sub-
optimal blood perfusion to brain tissue. A recently developed, preventive treatment is the …
optimal blood perfusion to brain tissue. A recently developed, preventive treatment is the …
Realistic computer modelling of stent retriever thrombectomy: a hybrid finite-element analysis-smoothed particle hydrodynamics model
Stent retriever thrombectomy is a pre-eminent treatment modality for large vessel ischaemic
stroke. Simulation of thrombectomy could help understand stent and clot mechanics in failed …
stroke. Simulation of thrombectomy could help understand stent and clot mechanics in failed …
Mechanical properties of clot made from human and bovine whole blood differ significantly
Thromboembolism–that is, clot formation and the subsequent fragmentation of clot–is a
leading cause of death worldwide. Clots' mechanical properties are critical determinants of …
leading cause of death worldwide. Clots' mechanical properties are critical determinants of …
Combined stent-retriever and aspiration intra-arterial thrombectomy performance for fragmentable blood clots: A proof-of-concept computational study
Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients typically
involves use of stent retrievers or aspiration catheters alone or in combination. For in silico …
involves use of stent retrievers or aspiration catheters alone or in combination. For in silico …
How to measure fracture toughness of soft materials: a comparison of six different approaches using blood clot as a model material
Soft materials are an important class of materials. They play critical roles both in nature, in
the form of soft tissues, and in industrial applications. Quantifying their mechanical …
the form of soft tissues, and in industrial applications. Quantifying their mechanical …
Preclinical modeling of mechanical thrombectomy
Mechanical thrombectomy to treat large vessel occlusions (LVO) causing a stroke is one of
the most effective treatments in medicine, with a number needed to treat to improve clinical …
the most effective treatments in medicine, with a number needed to treat to improve clinical …