A comprehensive survey on NSGA-II for multi-objective optimization and applications
H Ma, Y Zhang, S Sun, T Liu, Y Shan - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023 - Springer
In the last two decades, the fast and elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-
II) has attracted extensive research interests, and it is still one of the hottest research …
II) has attracted extensive research interests, and it is still one of the hottest research …
A comprehensive review on NSGA-II for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems
This paper provides an extensive review of the popular multi-objective optimization
algorithm NSGA-II for selected combinatorial optimization problems viz. assignment …
algorithm NSGA-II for selected combinatorial optimization problems viz. assignment …
[HTML][HTML] Multiobjective optimization for planning the service areas of smart parcel locker facilities in logistics last mile delivery
The planning of the location service areas of smart parcel locker facilities became a critical
aspect of logistics last mile delivery. In e-commerce, the efficiency of delivering merchandise …
aspect of logistics last mile delivery. In e-commerce, the efficiency of delivering merchandise …
[HTML][HTML] A survey on multi-objective, model-based, oil and gas field development optimization: Current status and future directions
In the area of reservoir engineering, the optimization of oil and gas production is a complex
task involving a myriad of interconnected decision variables sha** the production system's …
task involving a myriad of interconnected decision variables sha** the production system's …
Enhanced Harris hawk optimizer for hydrothermal generation scheduling with cascaded reservoirs
A Kumar, JS Dhillon - Expert Systems with Applications, 2023 - Elsevier
The paper intends to propose an enhanced Harris hawk optimizer (EHHO) to solve the
highly constrained and non-linear multiobjective hydrothermal generation scheduling …
highly constrained and non-linear multiobjective hydrothermal generation scheduling …
Optimisation of maintenance strategy of deteriorating bridges considering sustainability criteria
Facing the contradiction between increasing maintenance demand and limited financial, as
well as smaller social and environmental impacts, the optimisation of bridge maintenance …
well as smaller social and environmental impacts, the optimisation of bridge maintenance …
Crisscross optimization based short-term hydrothermal generation scheduling with cascaded reservoirs
H Yin, F Wu, X Meng, Y Lin, J Fan, A Meng - Energy, 2020 - Elsevier
Short-term hydrothermal generation scheduling (SHGS) considering various hydraulic and
electric constraints is a complex non-convex optimization problem. The coupling connection …
electric constraints is a complex non-convex optimization problem. The coupling connection …
Modified NSGA-II for solving Bi-objective support unit location problem to assist roadside traffic survey with multi-stages
Monitoring highways and obtaining traffic data are relevant for planning and programming
new investments. This data often comes from automatic counting stations or roadside traffic …
new investments. This data often comes from automatic counting stations or roadside traffic …
Multi-objective optimization of aerodynamic and erosion resistance performances of a high-pressure turbine
J Zhang, H Liu - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Focusing on a high-pressure turbine, this study conducts a multi-objective optimization
aimed to improve its aerodynamic and erosion resistance performances. With a self …
aimed to improve its aerodynamic and erosion resistance performances. With a self …
Design of warm solvent injection processes for heterogeneous heavy oil reservoirs: A hybrid workflow of multi-objective optimization and proxy models
Injection of warm solvent vapor into the formation is often considered as a cleaner
alternative for heavy oil production. However, the design of relevant operational conditions …
alternative for heavy oil production. However, the design of relevant operational conditions …