The zebrafish visual system: from circuits to behavior
JH Bollmann - Annual review of vision science, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Visual stimuli can evoke complex behavioral responses, but the underlying streams of
neural activity in mammalian brains are difficult to follow because of their size. Here, I review …
neural activity in mammalian brains are difficult to follow because of their size. Here, I review …
Anatomy and function of retinorecipient arborization fields in zebrafish
Abstract In 1994, Burrill and Easter described the retinal projections in embryonic and larval
zebrafish, introducing the term “arborization fields”(AFs) for the retinorecipient areas. AFs …
zebrafish, introducing the term “arborization fields”(AFs) for the retinorecipient areas. AFs …
Diving into the zebrafish brain: exploring neuroscience frontiers with genetic tools, imaging techniques, and behavioral insights
O Doszyn, T Dulski, J Zmorzynska - Frontiers in Molecular …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is increasingly used in neuroscience research. Zebrafish are
relatively easy to maintain, and their high fecundity makes them suitable for high-throughput …
relatively easy to maintain, and their high fecundity makes them suitable for high-throughput …
[HTML][HTML] Luminance changes drive directional startle through a thalamic pathway
Looming visual stimuli result in escape responses that are conserved from insects to
humans. Despite their importance for survival, the circuits mediating visual startle have only …
humans. Despite their importance for survival, the circuits mediating visual startle have only …
Ongoing habenular activity is driven by forebrain networks and modulated by olfactory stimuli
Ongoing neural activity, which represents internal brain states, is constantly modulated by
the sensory information that is generated by the environment. In this study, we show that the …
the sensory information that is generated by the environment. In this study, we show that the …
Biological significance of kisspeptin–kiss 1 receptor signaling in the habenula of teleost species
Kisspeptin is a neuropeptide, encoded by kisspeptin 1 (KISS1)/Kiss1 gene, which primarily
acts as the regulator of reproductive functions via its receptor, kisspeptin receptor (KissR) in …
acts as the regulator of reproductive functions via its receptor, kisspeptin receptor (KissR) in …
Optical inhibition of larval zebrafish behaviour with anion channelrhodopsins
Background Optical silencing of activity provides a way to test the necessity of neurons in
behaviour. Two light-gated anion channels, GtACR1 and GtACR2, have recently been …
behaviour. Two light-gated anion channels, GtACR1 and GtACR2, have recently been …
Functional properties of habenular neurons are determined by developmental stage and sequential neurogenesis
The develo** brain undergoes drastic alterations. Here, we investigated developmental
changes in the habenula, a brain region that mediates behavioral flexibility during learning …
changes in the habenula, a brain region that mediates behavioral flexibility during learning …
Light wavelength modulates search behavior performance in zebrafish
MR Waalkes, M Leathery, M Peck, A Barr, A Cunill… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Visual systems have evolved to discriminate between different wavelengths of light. The
ability to perceive color, or specific light wavelengths, is important as color conveys crucial …
ability to perceive color, or specific light wavelengths, is important as color conveys crucial …
Thalamic regulation of a visual critical period and motor behavior
During the visual critical period (CP), sensory experience refines the structure and function
of visual circuits. The basis of this plasticity was long thought to be limited to cortical circuits …
of visual circuits. The basis of this plasticity was long thought to be limited to cortical circuits …