Universal healthcare coverage, patients' rights, and nurse-patient communication: a critical review of the evidence
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by world leaders on September 25,
2015, aimed to end poverty and hunger, promote gender equity, empower women and girls …
2015, aimed to end poverty and hunger, promote gender equity, empower women and girls …
[KNIHA][B] Metaphor, cancer and the end of life: A corpus-based study
This book presents the methodology, findings and implications of a large-scale corpus-
based study of the metaphors used to talk about cancer and the end of life (including care at …
based study of the metaphors used to talk about cancer and the end of life (including care at …
The online use of Violence and Journey metaphors by patients with cancer, as compared with health professionals: a mixed methods study
Objective To compare the frequencies with which patients with cancer and health
professionals use Violence and Journey metaphors when writing online; and to investigate …
professionals use Violence and Journey metaphors when writing online; and to investigate …
[HTML][HTML] Laughing at cancer: Humour, empowerment, solidarity and co** online
Z Demjén - Journal of Pragmatics, 2016 - Elsevier
In the context of cancer, humour and joking can still be seen as socially unacceptable. Yet
people with cancer can find relief in making light of their often life-threatening situations …
people with cancer can find relief in making light of their often life-threatening situations …
Emotional distress with dementia: A systematic review using corpus‐based analysis and meta‐ethnography
S Petty, K Harvey, A Griffiths… - … journal of geriatric …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Objective More understanding is needed about the emotional experiences of dementia from
the perspective of the individual. This understanding can then inform the provision of health …
the perspective of the individual. This understanding can then inform the provision of health …
[KNIHA][B] A narrative approach to social media mourning: small stories and affective positioning
K Giaxoglou - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This book investigates how social media are reconfiguring dying, death, and mourning.
Taking a narrative approach, it argues that dying, death, and mourning are shared online as …
Taking a narrative approach, it argues that dying, death, and mourning are shared online as …
[KNIHA][B] The language of patient feedback: A corpus linguistic study of online health communication
The Language of Patient Feedback provides a unique insight into a diverse range of issues
related to healthcare. Through the comprehensive and detailed interrogation of 29 million …
related to healthcare. Through the comprehensive and detailed interrogation of 29 million …
The Discourse of Nurse-Patient Interactions
S Staples - 2015 - torrossa.com
What are the linguistic characteristics of nurse-patient interactions? What are the discourse
characteristics of the nurse-patient assessment interviews used to train future nurses? How …
characteristics of the nurse-patient assessment interviews used to train future nurses? How …
The effects of population aging on sports industry development: the mediating effect of technological innovation
X Wei, T Wang, Y Chen, O Lyulyov… - International Journal of …, 2023 - mdpi.com
It is of great practical significance to rationally formulate a development strategy for the
sports industry to deeply understand and comprehensively grasp the impact of population …
sports industry to deeply understand and comprehensively grasp the impact of population …
[KNIHA][B] The Routledge handbook of language and health communication
H Hamilton, WS Chou - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication consists of forty
chapters that provide a broad, comprehensive, and systematic overview of the role that …
chapters that provide a broad, comprehensive, and systematic overview of the role that …