[HTML][HTML] Circadian disruption and human health
Circadian disruption is pervasive and can occur at multiple organizational levels,
contributing to poor health outcomes at individual and population levels. Evidence points to …
contributing to poor health outcomes at individual and population levels. Evidence points to …
Circadian rhythms disrupted by light at night and mistimed food intake alter hormonal rhythms and metabolism
Availability of artificial light and light-emitting devices have altered human temporal life,
allowing 24-hour healthcare, commerce and production, and expanding social life around …
allowing 24-hour healthcare, commerce and production, and expanding social life around …
[HTML][HTML] Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults
Ocular light exposure has important influences on human health and well-being through
modulation of circadian rhythms and sleep, as well as neuroendocrine and cognitive …
modulation of circadian rhythms and sleep, as well as neuroendocrine and cognitive …
Time-restricted eating to prevent and manage chronic metabolic diseases
Molecular clocks are present in almost every cell to anticipate daily recurring and
predictable changes, such as rhythmic nutrient availability, and to adapt cellular functions …
predictable changes, such as rhythmic nutrient availability, and to adapt cellular functions …
Circadian clock genes and the transcriptional architecture of the clock mechanism
KH Cox, JS Takahashi - Journal of molecular endocrinology, 2019 - jme.bioscientifica.com
The mammalian circadian clock has evolved as an adaptation to the 24-h light/darkness
cycle on earth. Maintaining cellular activities in synchrony with the activities of the organism …
cycle on earth. Maintaining cellular activities in synchrony with the activities of the organism …
[HTML][HTML] Light affects mood and learning through distinct retina-brain pathways
Light exerts a range of powerful biological effects beyond image vision, including mood and
learning regulation. While the source of photic information affecting mood and cognitive …
learning regulation. While the source of photic information affecting mood and cognitive …
The radical-pair mechanism of magnetoreception
Although it has been known for almost half a century that migratory birds can detect the
direction of the Earth's magnetic field, the primary sensory mechanism behind this …
direction of the Earth's magnetic field, the primary sensory mechanism behind this …
The spectral sensitivity of human circadian phase resetting and melatonin suppression to light changes dynamically with light duration
Human circadian, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral responses to light are mediated
primarily by melanopsin-containing intrinsically-photosensitive retinal ganglion cells …
primarily by melanopsin-containing intrinsically-photosensitive retinal ganglion cells …
Circadian Rhythms and Sleep in Drosophila melanogaster
C Dubowy, A Sehgal - Genetics, 2017 - academic.oup.com
The advantages of the model organism Drosophila melanogaster, including low genetic
redundancy, functional simplicity, and the ability to conduct large-scale genetic screens …
redundancy, functional simplicity, and the ability to conduct large-scale genetic screens …
Light as a central modulator of circadian rhythms, sleep and affect
Light has profoundly influenced the evolution of life on earth. As widely appreciated, light
enables us to generate images of our environment. However, light—through intrinsically …
enables us to generate images of our environment. However, light—through intrinsically …